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There are several reasons why people may not understand the difference between hemp and cannabis:
■ Lack of education: Many people are simply not familiar with the differences between hemp and cannabis and may not have had access to accurate information about the two plants.
■ Similar appearance: Hemp and cannabis plants can look very similar, especially to the untrained eye. This can make it difficult for people to differentiate between the two.
■ Stigma and confusion: Cannabis has been illegal in many parts of the world for a long time, and this has created a lot of stigma and confusion around the plant. Some people may not be aware that hemp and cannabis are different varieties of the same plant.
■ Changing laws: As laws around cannabis and hemp change, it can be difficult for people to keep up with the latest information and understand what is legal and what is not.
Overall, education and accurate information can help to clarify the differences between hemp and cannabis and help people to understand the benefits and uses of each plant.
■ 教育不足。多くの人は麻(ヘンプ)と大麻(カンナビス)の違いについてよく知らないだけで2つの植物に関する正確な情報にアクセスしたことがない可能性があります。
■ 外観が非常に似ている。麻(ヘンプ)と大麻(カンナビス)は特に素人目には非常によく似ているように見えます。そのため両者を区別することが困難な場合があります。
■ 差別・混乱・偏見。大麻は長い間、世界の多くの地域で違法とされてきたためこの植物に多くの汚名と混乱がもたらされてきました。ヘンプと大麻が同じ植物の異なる品種であることを知らない人も多いかもしれません。
■ 法律の変化 大麻とヘンプをめぐる法律が変わるにつれ人々が最新の情報を入手し何が合法で何が違法かを理解することが困難になる可能性があります。
Another possible source of origin is the Assyrian word qunnabu, which was the name for a source of oil, fiber, and medicine in the 1st millennium BC. In other Germanic languages, such as Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Saterland Frisian, German, Icelandic, and Swedish, cognates of the word “hemp” exist. In these languages, “hemp” can refer to either industrial fiber hemp or narcotic cannabis strains.
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus documented between 450 and 420 BCE,
the cannabis use among the nomadic Scythian tribes that habitually traversed northern Greece and Asia Minor.
Cannabis sativa (Hemp) During the colonial period, Spain played a significant role in the spread of hemp cultivation in the Americas. The Spanish Empire established colonies across Central and South America, bringing with them the knowledge and resources necessary for hemp cultivation. In the 1500s, Spanish colonizers introduced hemp to what is now Mexico, where it became a major cash crop. The plant was used for rope, textiles, paper, and other industrial purposes. Hemp cultivation continued to spread throughout the Spanish colonies, in Chile starting about 1545. including what is now the southwestern United States.
The Spanish also played a role in the introduction of hemp to the Caribbean, where it became an important crop on plantations. Hemp fiber was used to make sails and rigging for Spanish galleons, which were used to transport goods and people across the Atlantic Ocean. Spanish ships also brought hemp to the Philippines, where it became an important cash crop.Samuel Champlain reported the use of grass and hemp clothing by the (Wampanoag) people of Cape Cod and the (Nauset) people of Plymouth Bay told him they harvested hemp in their region where it grew wild to a height of 4 to 5 ft. In May 1607, “hempe” was among the crops Gabriel Archer observed being cultivated by the natives at the main Powhatan village, where Richmond, Virginia, is now situated; and in 1613, Samuell Argall reported wild hemp “better than that in England” growing along the shores of the upper Potomac. As early as 1619, the first Virginia House of Burgesses passed an Act requiring all planters in Virginia to sow “both English and Indian” hemp on their plantations. The Puritans are first known to have cultivated hemp in New England in 1645. The Spanish influence on hemp in America continued through the 18th and 19th centuries. Spanish colonizers in California continued to cultivate hemp for industrial uses, and hemp was also grown in what is now Texas, New Mexico, and other southwestern states. In fact, the city of Córdoba in Argentina was once a major center for hemp production, and the plant was used to make rope, twine, and other products.Today, the Spanish legacy of hemp cultivation in the Americas can still be seen in places like Mexico and South America, where hemp continues to be grown for a variety of industrial uses.
カンナビスサティバは1512年にスペイン人がアメリカ大陸に麻を持ち込み、1545年頃からチリで栽培を開始された記録が残っています。ペルー、コロンビア、メキシコでも同様の試みが行われたが、麻の栽培が成功したのはチリだけでした。1605年7月Samuel ChamplainはケープコッドのWampanoag族が草や麻の衣服を使用していることを報告しています。またプリマス湾のNauset族は、麻が4〜5フィートの高さにまで自生する彼らの地域で収穫していることを話していた記録が残っています。1607年5月には、Gabriel Archerが現在バージニア州リッチモンドにあるポーハッタン村の中心部で先住民が栽培している作物に「ヘンプ」が含まれていることを確認しており、1613年にはSamuell Argallがポトマック上流の海岸沿いに「英国のものより良い」野生のヘンプが生えていると報告しています。1619年には、最初のバージニア州議会が、バージニア州のすべての耕作者が自分の農園に「イングランドとインディアンの両方」の麻をまくことを義務づける法律を可決しています。1645年、ニューイングランドでピューリタンが初めて麻を栽培したことが知られています。
One claim is that Hearst believed his extensive timber holdings were threatened by the invention of the decorticator, which he feared would allow hemp to become a cheap substitute for the paper pulp used for newspapers. However, research suggests that this fear was unfounded, as improvements to the decorticators in the 1930s could not make hemp fiber a cheaper substitute for fibers from other sources. Another claim is that Mellon, the Secretary of the Treasury and the wealthiest man in America at the time, had invested heavily in DuPont’s new synthetic fiber, nylon, and believed that the replacement of hemp was integral to the new product’s success. While DuPont and many industrial historians dispute a link between nylon and hemp, nylon became immediately a scarce commodity. During World War II, the U.S. government lifted the tax on hemp cultivation, and hemp was used extensively to make uniforms, canvas, and rope. The U.S. produced a short film in 1942 called Hemp for Victory, promoting hemp as a necessary crop to win the war. U.S. farmers participated in the campaign to increase U.S. hemp production to 36,000 acres in 1942, which was more than 20 times the production in 1941 before the war effort. In 1994, Executive Order 12919 identified hemp as a strategic national product that should be stockpiled.
ジョージ・ワシントンは、麻がロープや布の原料となる貴重な換金作物であることから麻の栽培を推奨していました。1765年5月の日記には”4月中旬まで毎日麻の実を蒔き10月に27ブッシェルを収穫した”と記されています。花に含まれるTHCを摂取するために雌株を栽培していたのではという説もありますが日記に添えられたコメントでは雄株の方が茎が太く粗いからだと説明されています。また、ワシントンはアジアからインド麻を輸入し繊維や一部の生産者によっては麻酔として生産していたことから工業用にも麻を栽培していた可能性が高いです。1796年植物を管理していたウィリアム・ピアースに宛てた手紙には、前年に植えたインディアンヘンプは普通の麻よりも価値が高いのでもう一度すべて播種してほしいと書いている手紙が見つかっています。その他、トーマス・ジェファーソン、ジェームズ・マディソン、ジェームズ・モンロー、アンドリュー・ジャクソン、ザカリー・テイラー、フランクリン・ピアースなどのアメリカ大統領が麻を栽培していたことが知られています。南北戦争前のケンタッキー州では、麻の生産が経済の大きな部分を占めており、多くの奴隷が麻を生産する農園で働いていました。しかし1937年にアメリカで大麻税法が制定され、大麻、ヘンプ、マリファナを商業的に扱う者に課税されることになりました。この法律の成立には、実業家のアンドリュー・メロン、ランドルフ・ハースト、デュポン一族が関わっており、アメリカの麻産業を壊滅させることを目的としていた可能性があります。ハーストは自分の所有する広大な木材がデコルティケーター(繊維を分離する機械)の発明によって脅かされると考え、ヘンプが新聞に使われる紙パルプの安価な代替品になることを恐れたとも言われています。しかしヘンプ繊維を他の繊維の安価な代用品にすることはできずにこの懸念は杞憂に終わったことが研究により明らかになりました。また当時アメリカで最も裕福な財務長官であったメロンがデュポンの新しい合成繊維であるナイロンに多額の投資をしていたので、麻の代替がこの新製品の成功に不可欠であると考えたという説もあります。デュポン社や多くの産業史研究者はナイロンと麻の関連性に異議を唱えていますが第二次世界大戦中にナイロンはたちまち希少価値な繊維となりました。アメリカ政府は麻の栽培税を解除して、麻は軍服、帆布、ロープなどに多用されるようになっりました。アメリカは1942年に「Hemp for Victory」という短編映画を制作しており、ヘンプが戦争に勝つために必要な作物であると宣伝しました。米国の農家もこのキャンペーンに参加し1942年には米国のヘンプ生産量は36,000エーカーになり戦前の1941年の20倍以上の生産量になりました。1994年、大統領令12919号は、ヘンプを備蓄すべき国家戦略物資と位置づけました。
Hemp has a long and storied history in France. It is believed that hemp was introduced to France during the Roman Empire, and it was widely grown during the Middle Ages. By the 18th century, France had become one of the largest producers of hemp in Europe, and it was an important crop for the French textile industry. During the French Revolution, hemp played a key role in the production of uniforms for the French army. In fact, the French revolutionary government made the cultivation of hemp mandatory, and farmers who failed to comply could face severe penalties.
In the 19th century, the French hemp industry began to decline as synthetic fibers became more popular. However, hemp continued to be an important crop in certain regions of France, particularly in the areas around Nantes and Rennes. World War II, the German occupation of France led to a shortage of materials, including textiles. As a result, the French government once again encouraged the cultivation of hemp, and it was used to make clothing, paper, and other essential materials.
In the post-war period, the popularity of synthetic materials led to a further decline in the French hemp industry. However, in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in hemp in France, particularly for its use in making textiles and building materials. Today, France is one of the leading producers of hemp in Europe, and the government has taken steps to promote the use of hemp for industrial purposes. The country’s long history with the crop has made it an important part of French cultural heritage, and it continues to be an important crop for many farmers in the country.
■ Hemp cultivation in China dates back to at least 2800 BC. The earliest known record of hemp in China is from the Huangdi Neijing, a medical text from the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – 24 AD), which mentions the use of hemp as a treatment for various ailments.
■ During the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), hemp was used to make paper. The famous Chinese scholar Cai Lun, who is credited with inventing papermaking, is said to have used hemp fibers as one of his materials.
■ Hemp fibers were also used to make clothing, particularly for the lower classes. Hemp clothing was durable and inexpensive, making it a popular choice for everyday wear.
■ The Chinese also used hemp for its nutritional properties. Hemp seeds were a source of protein, and they were often ground into a paste or used to make a type of porridge.
■ In Chinese traditional medicine, hemp was used to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, and digestive issues. Hemp leaves and flowers were often boiled to make a tea or decoction.
One of the earliest mentions of hemp in Chinese literature is in the Shu Jing, or Book of Documents, which dates back to the 11th century BC. The text describes the use of hemp fibers to make clothing and other goods, and it also mentions the medicinal properties of the plant. Hemp continued to be an important crop in China throughout the centuries. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD), hemp was one of the main crops grown in the region around the Yangtze River. The fibers were used to make a variety of goods, including clothing, fishing nets, and even musical instruments.
In the 20th century, hemp cultivation in China was briefly interrupted by political and economic upheavals. However, in recent years, the country has experienced a resurgence of interest in the crop. In addition to its traditional uses, hemp is now being studied for its potential as a source of biofuel, building materials, and other sustainable products.
■ 中国での麻の栽培は、少なくとも紀元前2800年にまでさかのぼります。中国における麻の最古の記録は、前漢時代(紀元前206年~紀元24年)の医学書「黄帝内経」で、様々な病気の治療法として麻を使用することが記載されています。
■ 漢の時代(紀元前202年〜紀元220年)には、麻は紙の原料として使われていた。製紙を発明したとされる中国の著名な学者、蔡倫は麻の繊維を材料の一つとして使用したと言われています。
■ 麻の繊維は、特に下層階級の人々の衣服にも使われた。麻の衣服は丈夫で安価なため、日常着として親しまれました。
■ 中国では、麻の栄養価の高さも利用されていた。麻の実にはタンパク質が含まれており、ペースト状にしたり、お粥のようなものにしたりすることが多かったようです。
■ 中国の伝統医学では、麻は痛み、炎症、消化不良など、さまざまな病気の治療に使われました。麻の葉や花を煮出して、お茶や煎じ薬にすることが多かったそうです。