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Mohair is a luxurious fabric or yarn made from the hair of the Angora goat. Its notable qualities include high luster, sheen, and excellent dye absorption, which make it a popular choice for adding these attributes to textiles. Mohair is also a versatile fiber with excellent insulating and moisture-wicking properties, making it warm in winter and cool in summer. Its durability, natural elasticity, flame resistance, and crease resistance further enhance its appeal.
Composed primarily of keratin, a protein found in the hair, wool, horns, and skin of all mammals, mohair’s unique properties stem from the Angora goat. Although it has scales like wool, they are not fully developed, resulting in a distinctive feel compared to standard wool.The diameter of mohair fiber ranges from 25–45 microns and increases with the age of the goat, making finer and softer hair from younger animals suitable for garments like scarves and shawls, while the thicker and coarser hair from older animals is ideal for heavy fabrics and carpets intended for outerwear. Overall, mohair is considered a luxury fiber, alongside cashmere, angora, and silk, and can be more expensive than most sheep’s wool.
モヘアは、アンゴラ山羊の毛を原料とする高級織物・糸です。光沢や艶があり、染料の吸着性に優れているため、繊維に加工する際によく使われます。また、モヘアは保温性、吸湿性に優れ、冬は暖かく、夏は涼しいという万能繊維です。さらに、耐久性、自然な弾力性、難燃性、しわになりにくいといった特性もあり、その魅力はますます高まっています。ケラチンは、すべての哺乳類の毛、羊毛、角、皮膚に含まれるタンパク質で、モヘアのユニークな特性は、アンゴラ山羊に由来しています。羊毛と同じようにウロコがありますが、ウロコが十分に発達していないため、一般的な羊毛と比べると独特の手触りがあります。 モヘアの繊維の直径は25~45ミクロンで、ヤギの年齢が上がるにつれて大きくなります。若いヤギの毛は細くて柔らかいため、スカーフやショールなどの衣類に適しており、高齢のヤギの毛は太くて粗いため、アウター用の重い布地やカーペットに最適なのです。モヘアは、カシミア、アンゴラ、シルクと並ぶ高級繊維とされ、一般的な羊の毛よりも高価な場合があります。
The exact origins of the Angora goat in BC are unclear, but it is believed that they were first domesticated in the region of Tibet and the Himalayan Mountains. The goats were highly valued for their long, curly hair, which was used to produce high-quality wool.
1610s, earlier mocayre, 1560s, “fine hair of the Angora goat,” also a fabric made from this, from French mocayart (16c.), Italian mocaiarro, both from Arabic mukhayyar “cloth of goat hair,” literally “selected, choice,” from mu-, noun prefix, + khayar “choosing, preferring.” The stuff was imported to Europe 14c.-15c. under the name camlet. Later used of imitations made of wool and cotton. Spelling influenced in English by association with hair. Moire “watered silk” (1650s) also used in reference to the shimmering visual effect, probably represents English mohair borrowed into French and back into English.

紀元前のアンゴラ山羊の正確な起源は不明ですが、チベットやヒマラヤ山脈の地域で最初に家畜化されたと考えられています。このヤギの長い巻き毛は、高品質の羊毛の原料として重宝されました。1610年代、それ以前の1560年代のmocayreは、「アンゴラ山羊の細い毛」、またこれを使った布、フランス語のmocayart(16世紀)、イタリアのmocaiarro、いずれもアラビア語のmukhayyar「山羊毛の布」、文字通り「選んだ、選んだ」、名詞接頭語のmu- + khayar「選ぶ、好む」から来ています。14世紀から15世紀にかけてヨーロッパに輸入され、カムレットと呼ばれるようになった。後に羊毛や綿の模造品に使われるようになった。毛を連想させるため、英語ではスペルが影響された。モアレ(Moire)”水を含んだ絹”(1650年代)もまた、きらめく視覚効果を指して使われ、おそらく英語のモヘアがフランス語に翻訳され、再び英語に翻訳されたものである。

The history of the Angora goat can be traced back to ancient times, with some evidence suggesting that the breed was first developed in the Himalayan Mountains more than 2,500 years ago. However, it was not until the 14th century that the Angora goat was introduced to Turkey, where it became an important source of wool and an essential part of the country’s economy.The exact reason why the Angora goat was brought to Turkey from the Himalayan Mountains is not entirely clear. However, it is believed that the breed was introduced to Turkey during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, possibly by merchants or traders who traveled to the region.
In Turkey dates back to the 14th century. The goats were first introduced to the country during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, and the breed quickly became an essential part of the local economy.The goats’ wool, which was long, curly, and silky, was highly valued for its unique qualities. It was known for its softness, luster, and durability, and was considered a luxury fiber that was sought after by both Turkish and European textile producers. By the 16th century, the Turkish city of Ankara had become the center of the Angora goat breeding industry, and the goats were named after the city. The wool was used to produce a range of products, including clothing, textiles, and carpets.During the 1800s, the Turkish government began exporting Angora goats to other parts of the world, including France, Spain, and South Africa. However, due to the high demand for Mohair wool and the lack of regulation, the Angora goat population declined significantly in Turkey by the early 1900s.
During the 1800s, the United States began importing Angora goats from Turkey, and by the 1900s, the U.S. had become the world’s largest producer of Mohair. Today, Mohair production is a global industry, with the majority of production taking place in South Africa, the United States, and Turkey. Mohair has continued to be a popular choice for luxury textiles and garments due to its unique properties and high-quality feel. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in sustainable and ethical fashion, and many Mohair producers have made efforts to improve animal welfare and environmental practices in their production processes.
Mohair wool has a long and rich history in Turkey. The Angora goat, from which Mohair wool is obtained, has been bred in Turkey for centuries. In fact, the breed is named after the Turkish city of Ankara, which was once the center of the Angora goat breeding industry.Mohair wool has been used in Turkey for a wide range of products, including clothing, textiles, and carpets. The wool is known for its unique properties, including its softness, luster, and durability, which make it a highly valued luxury fiber.
During the Ottoman Empire, Mohair wool was a significant export for Turkey. The wool was highly prized in Europe, where it was used to make luxurious textiles and clothing items. Turkish traders would transport the wool across the Mediterranean to ports in Italy, France, and Spain, where it was sold for high prices.However, by the early 20th century, the production of Mohair wool in Turkey had declined significantly due to competition from other countries, such as South Africa and the United States. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in Mohair production in Turkey, with efforts made to improve the quality of the wool and increase its export potential.Today, Turkey remains one of the world’s leading producers of Mohair wool, alongside South Africa and the United States. Mohair wool continues to be highly valued for its unique properties and is used in a wide range of luxury textiles and products.
Turkish Ottoman Period, 19th Century Mohair Portiere
モヘアウールの歴史は古く、トルコには豊かな歴史があります。モヘアウールの原料となるアンゴラ山羊は、何世紀にもわたってトルコで飼育されてきました。アンゴラ山羊の品種名は、かつてアンゴラ山羊の飼育の中心地であったトルコの都市アンカラの名前に由来しています。 トルコでは、モヘアウールは衣料品、繊維製品、カーペットなど幅広い製品に使用されてきた。この羊毛は、柔らかさ、光沢、耐久性など独特の性質を持つことで知られ、高級繊維として高く評価されている。オスマントルコ帝国時代には、モヘアウールはトルコの重要な輸出品でした。モヘアウールはヨーロッパで珍重され、高級な織物や衣料品に使用されていました。トルコの商人は地中海を渡ってイタリア、フランス、スペインの港に羊毛を運び、高値で売りさばいた。 しかし、20世紀初頭には、南アフリカやアメリカなど他国との競争により、トルコのモヘアウールの生産は大きく減少した。近年、トルコではモヘアの生産に再び注目が集まり、羊毛の品質向上と輸出の可能性を高めるための取り組みが行われています。 現在、トルコは南アフリカや米国と並ぶ世界有数のモヘアウール生産国となっています。モヘアウールは、そのユニークな特性から高い評価を受け続け、さまざまな高級繊維製品に使用されています。
South Africa
Mohair has a long and rich history in South Africa, dating back to the 1800s. Mohair is a type of luxurious natural fiber that comes from the Angora goat, and South Africa is home to one of the world’s largest and most important mohair industries.The first Angora goats were imported to South Africa in the mid-1800s from Turkey, and the first mohair clip was produced in 1838. At the time, mohair was considered a luxury fiber and was used mainly for high-end clothing and accessories.As the industry grew, South Africa became a leading producer and exporter of mohair, with a particular focus on producing high-quality mohair with long, fine fibers. In the early 1900s, a grading system was introduced to ensure that only the best quality mohair was exported.
During the mid-1900s, mohair became more widely available and affordable, and it became a popular material for everything from clothing to upholstery. In the 1960s, the South African Mohair Growers’ Association was formed to help regulate and promote the industry, and it remains an important organization today.Today, South Africa produces around 50% of the world’s mohair, with much of it being exported to countries like Italy, China, and the United States. The industry has had its ups and downs over the years, including fluctuations in demand and prices, but mohair remains an important part of the South African economy and culture.
南アフリカにおけるモヘアの歴史は古く、1800年代までさかのぼります。モヘアはアンゴラ山羊から取れる贅沢な天然繊維の一種で、南アフリカは世界最大かつ最も重要なモヘア産業の本拠地となっています。 1800年代半ばにトルコからアンゴラ山羊が初めて南アフリカに輸入され、1838年に最初のモヘアクリップが生産されました。当時、モヘアは高級繊維とされ、主に高級衣類やアクセサリーに使用されていました。 産業の発展とともに、南アフリカはモヘアの主要な生産・輸出国となり、特に繊維が長く細い高品質なモヘアの生産に力を入れました。1900年代初頭には、最高品質のモヘアのみを輸出するための格付け制度が導入されました。1900年代半ばには、モヘアの入手が容易になり、価格も手頃になったため、衣料から椅子張りまで幅広い用途に使われるようになりました。1960年代には、業界の規制と振興を目的とした南アフリカモヘア生産者協会が設立され、現在も重要な組織として機能しています。 現在、南アフリカは世界のモヘアの約50%を生産しており、その多くはイタリア、中国、米国などに輸出されています。需要や価格の変動など、産業は長年にわたって浮き沈みを繰り返してきましたが、モヘアは南アフリカの経済と文化にとって重要な存在であり続けています。