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How to identify vintage Pendleton tags by age?


JULY – 2023 20 MINS READ


Discrimination method of “Vintage Pendleton” tag design.  
After achieving great success with blankets and shawls featuring Native American patterns, Pendleton Woollen Mills began selling wool-based menswear in 1924. The fine quality of its wools was soon well received by the market. From 1929, the company also expanded into sportswear. The product range is expanded from blankets. Clarence Morton Bishop (usually known as ‘CM’), one of Bishop’s first three sons, launched a new range of men’s wool shirts in bright colours and patterns. Until then, wool shirts had been regarded as work shirts and were mostly dull navy blue or brown. This experiment was a great success and the items have been loved throughout the ages, from the surfer boom of the 60s and the hippie boom to the American casual boom of the 90s.After achieving great success with blankets and shawls featuring Native American patterns, Pendleton Woollen Mills began selling wool-based menswear in 1924. The fine quality of its wools was soon well received by the market. From 1929, the company also expanded into sportswear. The product range is expanded to include blankets. Clarence Morton Bishop (usually known as ‘CM’), one of Bishop’s first three sons, launched a new range of men’s wool shirts in bright colours and patterns. Until then, wool shirts had been regarded as work shirts and were mostly dull navy blue or brown. This experiment was a great success and the items have been loved throughout the ages, from the surfer boom of the 60s and the hippie boom to the American casual boom of the 90s.
We will now follow this history of Pendleton’s success by tags from different periods.


1900s - 1920s

First name tag

1904 – 1915 


The photographs used as reference were not in very good condition and may be half inaccurate with regard to this figure. It is almost certainly the first Pendleton logo tag made. The book states that it says “guarantee to be a pendleton” instead of “warranted to be a pendleton”, which is usually written from now on, but as the photo is unclear (and damaged), it will take some time to clarify. It also features “PURE FREECE WOOL” as it is a blanket tag. This is the thinnest tag. Furthermore, there is some text under the Pendleton mark, but it is unclear whether it is 100% wool, HANDMADE or, like the other tags, “pendleton woolen mills”, which is currently not known. It is currently unknown whether it is 100% wool, HANDMADE or “pendleton woolen mills” like other tags.

参考にした写真の状態があまり良くなかったために、不明瞭な点がありこの図に関しては半分推測も入っているため不正確かもしれない。しかしこの形で最初に作られたペンドルトンのロゴ・タグであることはほぼ間違いないと思われる。また参考文献によれば、「guarantee to be a pendleton」になっておりこの後歴代続く “warranted to be a pendleton”」かもしれない。写真が不鮮明(かつ傷んでいる)なので、はっきりさせるにはもう少し鮮明な資料が必要であろう。ブランケットなので「PURE FREECE WOOL」と記されています。これは最も縦幅が薄いタグのタグです。さらにペンドルトン・マークの下に文字があるように見えるだが、それがウール100%なのか、HANDMADEなのか、他のタグと同じく「PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS」なのか、もしくは単なる汚れなのかは今のところ不明です。(fromと判別しました)

1920s - 1930s

1921 – 1930
© Chasing Rainbows
1923 – 1930
© A Brief History of the Zion Park Blanket.

The “Cayuse” are a Native American tribe in what is now the state of Oregon in the United States. The Cayuse tribe shares a reservation and government in northeastern Oregon with the Umatilla and the Walla Walla tribes as part of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The reservation is located near Pendleton, Oregon, at the base of the Blue Mountains. As white settlers moved into their territory in large numbers following the opening of the Oregon Trail in 1842, the Cayuse suffered. Even settlers passing through competed with them for game and water. Crowds of whites invaded the region during the California Gold Rush beginning in 1848 and when gold was discovered in Eastern Oregon in 1862.The Cayuse Indians were located in the Columbia Basin and were nomadic, sometimes moving on a daily basis. They lived in teepees, which many nomadic tribes used for portability. The Cayuse were skilled horsemen, and used horses in hunting. They also used them for their trip over the Rocky Mountains each year to hunt a supply of buffalo to bring back for their families. The men hunted game and fished salmon. The women gathered and picked berries and dug and processed roots. The women also processed the animal skins to make materials for shelter and clothing. The men considered bravery to be an important quality, with brave warriors being held in high esteem. The strongest would be made chief.

1915 – 1922
© Chasing Rainbows
1923 – 1930
© ebay
This is the first tag for one of Pendleton’s blankets, the ‘Beaver State’. Oregon is known as “The Beaver State” due to its deep connection with the animal. The beaver was chosen as Oregon’s official animal for several reasons, which also led to the state earning the nickname “The Beaver State.” In 1969, Oregon’s state legislature declared the beaver as the official state animal. Early settlers in Oregon trapped beavers for their meat and fur, particularly to make fashionable fur hats. However, the excessive demand for fur hats resulted in the overhunting of beavers, alongside the hunting practices of Native Americans who utilized both beaver meat and fur.Beavers thrived in Oregon because of the state’s abundance of streams, providing them with an ideal habitat for rapid procreation and population growth. This abundance led to the establishment of numerous trapping routes where fur trappers set traps along the beavers’ habitats to catch and sell them for their valuable meat and fur. Over time, these early trapping routes evolved into what is now famously known as The Oregon Trail. They are renowned for their impressive construction abilities, using their skills to build dams. These dams not only provide shelter and protection from predators for beavers but also serve as natural erosion control. Their industrious nature has further endeared the beaver to the state of Oregon, making it the official state animal and earning Oregon its moniker “The Beaver State.”
これはペンドルトンのブランケットの最初のシリーズの一つ、「BEAVER STATE」の最初期のタグです。オレゴン州は、ビーバーとの深い関わりから「BEAVER STATE」として知られています。ビーバーがオレゴン州の公式動物に選ばれたのにはいくつかの理由がありますが、それが 「BEAVER STATE」というニックネームにつながった。1969年オレゴン州議会はビーバーを州の公式動物として宣言したからです。オレゴン州の初期の入植者たちは、ビーバーの肉と毛皮を捕獲し、特にファッショナブルな毛皮の帽子を作りました。しかし毛皮の帽子の過剰な需要はビーバーの肉と毛皮の両方を利用していたネイティブ・アメリカンの狩猟習慣と並んで、ビーバーの乱獲を招いてしまいました。ビーバーがオレゴン州で繁栄したのは、州内の豊富な河川が、急速な繁殖と個体数の増加に理想的な生息環境を提供したからですがこの豊富な生息数は毛皮商人たちがビーバーの生息地に罠を仕掛けて捕獲し貴重な肉や毛皮を得るために販売する捕獲ルートの確立につながってしまいました。時を経てこれらの初期の捕獲ルートは、現在「オレゴン・トレイル」として有名なものへと発展しました。 彼らはその素晴らしい建設能力で有名で、その技術を駆使してダムを建設します。これらのダムはビーバーにとって避難所となり、捕食者から身を守るだけでなく自然の砂防の役割も果たしてています。ビーバーの勤勉な性質はオレゴン州にとってビーバーをさらに親しみやすい存在にしオレゴン州を公式な州動物にしオレゴン州を “BEAVER STATE(ビーバーの州) “と呼ぶようになりました 
© Chasing Rainbows
The Blackfoot Confederacy, also known as Niitsitapi or Siksikaitsitapi, refers to a historical collective name encompassing linguistically related groups that constitute the Blackfoot or Blackfeet people. These groups include the Siksika (“Blackfoot”), the Kainai or Blood (“Many Chiefs”), and two segments of the Peigan or Piikani (“Splotchy Robe”) – the Northern Piikani (Aapátohsipikáni) and the Southern Piikani (Amskapi Piikani or Pikuni). In broader terms, the Confederacy may also include other groups like the Tsúùtínà (Sarcee) and A’aninin (Gros Ventre), who spoke different languages but were allied with or joined the Blackfoot Confederacy. The Pendleton Blackfoot Robe, which was made in 1924 in honor of the Blackfoot Tribe of Montana by Pendleton.
ニイツィタピまたはシクシカイツィタピとしても知られるブラックフット連合は、ブラックフット族またはブラックフィート族を構成する、言語的に関連したグループを包括する歴史的な総称です。これらのグループには、シクシカ族(「ブラックフット」)、カイナイ族(「多くの首長」)、ペイガン族(「斑点のローブ」)、ピイカニ族(「北ピイカニ」(Aapátohsipikáni)、南ピイカニ族(Amskapi PiikaniまたはPikuni)の2つの区分が含まれます。より広い意味では、ブラックフット連合には、異なる言語を話しながらもブラックフット連合と同盟を結んだり、ブラックフット連合に参加するTsúùtínà(サルシー)やA’aninin(グロ・ヴァントレ)などのグループも含まれます。1924年、モンタナのブラックフット族に敬意を表してペンドルトンが製作したのがこのブラックフットローブです。

1930s - 1940s

1930 – 1942
© Chasing Rainbows
1930 – 1942
© Chasing Rainbows

1930 – 1972

Around this year, the name tag was changed because the patent expired. Otherwise, the design is the same. In 1932, Pendleton was awarded the commission to produce a special blanket for Olympic athletes.


SHIRT TAG from 1924

1924 - 1930s

Pendleton Woollen Mills is said to have entered the apparel industry in 1924. Although bathrobes and other garments had been available before then, it is said that it was only in that year that the company started selling shirts and other items. The two name tags shown here are said to date from the 1920s and 1930s, when they were launched. They look almost identical, but there is a difference between “ALL WOOL” and “100% VIRGIN WOOL”. The tags may have been used differently as one is a jacket and one is a shirt, but if there is a difference in age between the two, I would guess that the “ALL WOOL” tag is older. However, very few documents from this period are known to exist, so it is currently unknown.
ペンドルトンがアパレル業界に参入したのは1924年と言われています。それまでもバスローブなどの衣料品はありましたが、シャツなどの販売を開始したのはこの年からと言われています。ここに掲載した2枚のネームタグは、1920年代から1930年代にかけて発売されたものですが見た目はほとんど同じに見えますが、下部の文字 「ALL WOOL」と「100% VIRGIN WOOL」の違いがあります。前者はジャケット、後者はシャツなので、タグの使われ方と素材が違うのかもしれないが、仮に両者に年代の差があるとすれば、「ALL WOOL」のタグの方が古いのではないかと推測される。しかし、この時代の文献はほとんど残っていないため、現在のところ不明です。

1940s - Early 1950s

There is little difference in the name tag, which switches from “PENDLETON” to “PORTLAND”. This may be due to the acquisition of “the Columbia Wool Scouring Mill”, a wool scouring company in Portland, which is mentioned above.In the early 1940s, Pendleton devoted the bulk of its business to manufacturing uniforms, blankets and sleeping bags for US soldiers serving in World War II; from 1945 onwards, as the apparel sector flourished, In 1949 Pendleton expanded production of non-wool garments to complement its wool coordinates. In 1949, the company acquired several new factories throughout this period to meet its increasing production needs. In 1941 the company purchased the Columbia Wool Scouring Mill, which it had leased since 1923. In 1946, a new facility was opened in Omaha, Nebraska.

Mid - Late 1950s

The name tag underwent one major change in this period. The size notation, which had previously been displayed separately, was now included on the tag. This meant that Pendleton was doing very well. And what is often overlooked is that the design is slightly different from the tags that come after this. The position of the double quotes, the size of the initials “PENDLETON WOLLEN MILLS”, the italicised TRADE MARK… I predict that this area has a lot to do with the factory acquisition. In 1955 the company bought a factory in Portland, Oregon, and then, in an interesting development in 1956, acquired a second Portland facility from the Oregon Worsted Company, which Roy Bishop had left to Pendleton to manage.
この時代にネームタグが一度大きく変わります。これまで別表示だった、サイズ表記がタグに入るようになりました。これはペンドルトンの業績が絶好調であったことを意味します。そして見落としがちなのはこの後に出てくるタグとは微妙にデザインが違います。””の位置・ PENDLETONWOLLENMILLS の頭文字の大きさ・斜体のTRADE MARK…などこの辺りは工場買収と大きく関係してくるのではないかと予測します。もしくは違う工場で作っていたなど。1955年に同社はオレゴン州ポートランドの工場を購入し、その後1956年に興味深い展開で、ロイ・ビショップがペンドルトンに管理を任せていたオレゴン・ワーステッド・カンパニーからポートランドの2番目の施設を買収しました。 


Fine-tuning of the tag design will take place. Pendleton is at its peak in this area with the arrival of the surf boom on top of a still increasing production system, including an increase in the number of sewing factories. This may be the easiest individual product tag to find.

Mid 1960s

From this year onwards, the WoolMark will be placed at the bottom.The Woolmark logo originated from the efforts of the International Wool Secretariat (IWS), established in 1937. It was officially introduced in August 1964 by the IWS, which was then overseen by two Australians: William (Archer) Gunn (1914-2003), the chairman, and William Vines (1916-2011), the managing director.The logo had two primary objectives: first, to elevate wool’s position in the textile market, and second, to guarantee that products displaying the Woolmark label were crafted from pure new wool and met the highest manufacturing standards.

1970s - 1980s

From the early 1970s, the R mark began to appear on the Woolmark®. By 1970, a year after Clarence M. Bishop’s death, the company also had two sewing plants in Portland, one in St Helens, Washington, and three in Nebraska. 1982 saw the acquisition of the Dorr Woolen Co. in New Hampshire, and in 1985 added a facility in Council Bluffs, Iowa. However, the apparel industry declined steadily during the 1970s and 1980s.

1980s - 1990s

The name tag underwent major changes during this year. It was replaced by a new tag with all letters in a frame. Company policy kept them made in the USA, but this did not halt the decline in sales. Pendleton’s St Helens factory closed in 1986. While many other apparel manufacturers moved their operations overseas to take advantage of reduced labour costs, Pendleton, under the leadership of CM Bishop II and Broughton Bishop, continued to manufacture its products in the USA and insisted on fair rules. Regulating international trade; women’s clothing accounted for 65% of the company’s total sales, partly due to a return to classic styles by buyers in the late 1980s. Nevertheless, between 1989 and 1993, when Richard Poss became president, sales fell by about 36 % and total sales by about 28%, although a return to casual clothing in the early 1990s and checked items favoured by grunge fashion helped the company Total sales fell by about 28%.


A rare example of 100% virgin wool but with the wool tag missing; claimed that the shutdown of its Council Bluffs manufacturing operations in 1996 and the closure of its Milwaukee, Portland and Fremont, Nebraska factories in 1998 were based on international trade agreements; the two closures combined meant that Pendleton ‘s national workforce, meaning that approximately 9 per cent of the company’s national workforce has been laid off. The company continued to operate a second plant in Portland and a factory in Washougal, Washington. 

Late 1990s -

By this time, sewing was increasingly made in Mexico and American-made were becoming scarce (but the fabrics were made in the USA). The company changed to a new logo and renewed its image and rushed to find new customers. The licence business in Japan was also launched and the business base moved away from the US mainland. It is quite possible that the products on this tag will be the last made in the USA.By this time, sewing was increasingly made in Mexico and American-made fabrics were becoming scarce (but the fabrics were made in the USA). The company changed to a new logo and renewed its image and rushed to find new customers. The licence business in Japan was also launched and the business base moved away from the US mainland. It is quite possible that the products on this tag will be the last made in the USA. 
– recommendation –

The history of sheep breeding.

Sheep breeding began around 11,000 years ago for wool and meat. Selective breeding led to different breeds adapted to different environments and purposes. The Industrial Revolution led to increased demand for wool and the development of specialized breeds.


JULY – 2023  20 MINS READ
You will no longer be able to get your hands on a Pendleton shirt. Some would argue that this is not true. To be precise, Pendleton shirts and trousers will still be in the shops every winter. T-shirts with the logo may even be on sale. However, they are licensed products produced in Asia. Whether that is genuine or fake depends on the person. But I feel that only shirts made in the USA on American-made Pendleton fabric and sewn in the USA have any meaning.