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Linen is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant.Linen is very strong, absorbent, and dries faster than cotton. Because of these properties, linen is comfortable to wear in hot weather and Ramie (pronounced: /ˈreɪmi/, RAY-mee; from Malay rami) is a flowering plant in the nettle family Urticaceae, native to eastern Asia. It is a herbaceous perennial growing to 1.0–2.5 m tall the leaves are heart-shaped, 7–15 cm , long and 6–12 cm broad, and white on the underside with dense, small hairs—this gives it a silvery appearance; unlike stinging nettles, the hairs do not sting. The true ramie or China grass is also called Chinese plant or white ramie.A second type, known as green ramie or rhea, is believed to have originated in the Malay Peninsula. It has smaller leaves which are green on the underside, and it appears to be better suited to tropical conditions. The word “ramie” is derived from the Malay word rami.is valued for use in garments. It also has other distinctive characteristics, notably its tendency to wrinkle.


Ramie fiber, also known as China grass, is derived from the stem of the ramie plant, which is a member of the nettle family. The fiber is long, fine, and lustrous, and has a natural resistance to bacteria and mildew.In ancient China, ramie was used to make high-quality textiles for the aristocracy, including robes, hats, and handkerchiefs. It was also used for papermaking, and was considered a valuable commodity for trade. Ramie production in China was highly developed, with extensive cultivation and processing techniques that involved soaking, beating, and bleaching the fibers.

Ramie production spread to other parts of Asia, including Japan and Korea, where it was used for similar applications. In the 18th and 19th centuries, ramie was introduced to Europe and the Americas, where it was used primarily for industrial applications such as cordage and sailcloth. In the 20th century, with the development of new processing techniques, ramie fiber became more widely used in the textile industry, particularly for lightweight summer clothing, household textiles, and apparel linings. However, ramie fiber production has remained relatively small compared to other natural fibers such as cotton and linen, due to its high cost and the labor-intensive processing required to extract the fiber from the plant.

There are many poems and inscriptions in Japan’s Manyoshu (Anthology of Myriad Leaves) and Nihon-shoki (Chronicles of Japan), and the clothing of the period in the Shosoin storehouse shows that it was used by a wide class of people, from the imperial family to the common people. 
It is believed to have been used for textile production in China for more than 5,000 years. Ramie is native to eastern Asia, and archaeological evidence shows that it was grown and used for textiles in China during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC). Ramie cultivation and use in China continued through the centuries, and it became an important part of their textile industry. Ramie fiber was likely introduced to Europe in the early 19th century, when it was brought over from Asia by European traders and explorers. However, it did not become a major commercial crop in Europe and other parts of the world until the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The word “ramie” is derived from the Malay word “rami,” which means “fiber” or “yarn.” Ramie fiber comes from the Boehmeria nivea plant, which is native to eastern Asia and is widely cultivated for its strong and durable fibers.

“ramie”の語源は、マレー語で “繊維 “や “糸 “を意味する “rami “に由来します。苧麻の繊維は、東アジア原産のBoehmeria niveaという植物から採れ、丈夫で耐久性のある繊維として広く栽培されています。もう一つの説として「ラミー繊維」を意味するフランス語の「rami」に由来しさらに「植物の一種」を意味するスペイン語の「ramio」にも由来している可能性もあります。

Egyptian mummies
Ramie, also known as China grass, is a fiber crop that has been cultivated in Egypt since ancient times. It was used to produce fabrics for clothing and other textiles. In fact, ramie fibers have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs and are mentioned in Egyptian papyri (While both linen and ramie were used to make fabrics in ancient Egypt, linen was the most commonly used material for wrapping mummies. Ramie, which is also known as China grass, was occasionally used for mummy wrappings, but it was not as widely available or as commonly used as linen. However, some ancient Egyptian textiles made from ramie have been discovered, and they were prized for their strength and luster.). Ramie cultivation in Egypt has fluctuated over time, but it remains an important crop in some areas. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, ramie cultivation in Egypt has potential for sustainable development due to its environmental benefits, including its ability to reduce soil erosion and improve soil quality.
Ancient Egyptian costume. Mainly linen, but there are traces of ramie being used in part.
The word ‘antiu’ was marked on the jar found this time for mummy creation, indicating that it contained a mixture of different substances, including animal fat, cedar oil and juniper resin. Some of the materials used were transported from quite far away, such as damar and elemi, a type of resin from the rainforests of South-East Asia./ photo by Pixabay
Ramie, also known as China grass, is a fiber crop that has been cultivated in Egypt since ancient times. It was used to produce fabrics for clothing and other textiles. In fact, ramie fibers have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs and are mentioned in Egyptian papyri (While both linen and ramie were used to make fabrics in ancient Egypt, linen was the most commonly used material for wrapping mummies. Ramie, which is also known as China grass, was occasionally used for mummy wrappings, but it was not as widely available or as commonly used as linen. However, some ancient Egyptian textiles made from ramie have been discovered, and they were prized for their strength and luster.). Ramie cultivation in Egypt has fluctuated over time, but it remains an important crop in some areas. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, ramie cultivation in Egypt has potential for sustainable development due to its environmental benefits, including its ability to reduce soil erosion and improve soil quality.

苧麻はチャイナグラス(中国草)とも呼ばれていますが、エジプトでも古くから栽培されている繊維作物です。衣料品などの繊維の生産に利用されていました。実際、古代エジプトの墓からは苧麻の繊維が発見されており、エジプトのパピルスにも記載されています(古代エジプトではリネンも苧麻も織物の材料として使われていましたが、ミイラを包む材料としてはリネンが最も一般的に使われていました。苧麻はミイラを包む布として使われることもあったがリネンほどには広く普及せず一般的に使われることはありませんでした。しかし、古代エジプトでは苧麻を使った織物がいくつか発見されておりその強度と光沢が珍重されていた形跡はあります)。エジプトにおける苧麻の栽培は時代とともに変動していますが、一部の地域では依然として重要な作物となっています。2017年にJournal of Cleaner Productionに掲載された研究によると、エジプトにおけるラミー栽培は、土壌侵食の抑制や土壌品質の改善など、環境面でのメリットがあるため、持続可能な開発の可能性があるとされています。


Ramie has been grown in China for many centuries, and farmers in ancient China are known to have used the fiber to weave clothing. In China, it is called zhù má (苎麻). It may have been used in cloth for wrapping mummies in Egypt. Though ramie and flax are difficult to distinguish from one another in ancient cloth, ramie’s resistance to bacteria and mildew would make it appropriate for mummy wrapping.
Taiwan’s aboriginal people have used ramie for millennia in fabric production and ramie is still used to create traditional garb which is worn in the festivals which have not been banned (mostly related to decapitation and stabbing enemy captives).
Ramie was used to produce an open-weave fabric called mechera, used for shirts and dressing gowns suitable for warm climates. The French painter Raoul Dufy designed in the early 20th century patterns for prints on mechera used by the French shirtmaker Charvet.
Brazil began production in the late 1930s with production peaking in 1971. Since then, production has steadily declined as a result of competition from alternative crops, such as soybeans, and from synthetic fibers.
RAMIE TEXTILE : A Neolithic site on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China.
During the BC era, Chinese peasants wore clothing made from a variety of natural fibers including hemp, silk, and cotton, as well as plant-based fibers such as ramie and nettle. The type of clothing worn by peasants varied depending on the region, the time period, and the social status of the individual.
In general, ancient Chinese peasant clothing was simple and practical, designed to provide protection from the elements and to facilitate labor. The clothing was often made of unbleached or undyed fabric and was typically loose-fitting and comfortable to wear. For example, in the Qin and Han dynasties (221 BC to 220 AD), men wore a long, tunic-like garment called a zhongyi, while women wore a long skirt and a jacket.
During the Warring States period (475 BC to 221 BC), common people typically wore garments made of hemp or cotton. Hemp was a common fiber for clothing in ancient China due to its durability and resistance to wear and tear. In later periods, cotton became more prevalent and was often mixed with silk for a softer and more comfortable feel.
Ramie was also used in ancient China for clothing, particularly in the southern regions of the country. Ramie fibers are strong and durable, making it an ideal material for clothing, although it is less soft and flexible than silk or cotton. While there are no surviving examples of ancient Chinese peasant clothing made of ramie, it is believed to have been a common material for everyday clothing.
Facts About the Burial of Qin Shi Huangdi
Ramie was used for clothing during the Qin dynasty, which was the period of Qin Shi Huang’s reign (221 BC to 210 BC). During this time, ramie fabric was prized for its fine texture, light weight, and durability, making it a popular choice for clothing among people of all social classes.
During the Qin dynasty, ramie fabric was used to make a variety of garments, including tunics, robes, and trousers. The fabric was often dyed in a range of colors, although bright or bold colors were generally reserved for members of the nobility and the emperor’s court.
The clothing worn by ordinary people during the Qin dynasty consisted of loose-fitting tunics and trousers that were fastened with belts or sashes. These garments were designed to be comfortable and practical, allowing people to move and work freely. The clothing was often undecorated, with few or no embellishments, and was designed to be easy to repair or replace.
Overall, ramie was an important textile during the Qin dynasty, and its use in clothing reflected the practical, functional approach to fashion that was common during that period. Its lightweight, durable, and breathable properties made it an ideal choice for clothing for people of all social classes, including the ordinary people who made up the vast majority of the population.