What did Vikings (Germanic people) wear?
The himation, the final category of ancient Greek women’s fashion, served as a basic outer garment worn by both genders over the chiton or peplos. It was a large rectangular piece of cloth that draped under the left arm and over the right shoulder. Archaeological evidence from statues and vases shows that these garments were often dyed in bright colors and adorned with various designs, woven into the fabric or painted on. One common way for women to wear the himation was to wrap it around their entire body and tuck a fold into their girdle. An example of this can be seen in the caryatid statues on the Erechtheion of the Acropolis in Athens, dating back to the late 5th century B.C.E. The sculptor skillfully carved the marble, depicting the himation surrounding the upper torso, passing through the left hand, and forming a fold attached to the right shoulder with clasps or buttons.Greek women donned himations in different styles, using them as warm cloaks over their lightweight Ionic chitons. On certain occasions, women would entirely cover themselves with their himations, veiling their faces when experiencing strong emotions or shame. The veil in ancient Greek women’s fashion also allowed them to express themselves and assert control over their movement and status in the male-dominated society. Unenslaved Greek women would wear a veil over their dress whenever they left the house. The influence of women’s fashion can also be seen in contemporary art, like the ‘Tanagra’ terracotta figurine, “La Dame en bleu,” which portrays a woman wearing a himation as a veil. The folds of the himation cover her head and shoulders, making her socially invisible and allowing her to enjoy privacy while in public. The custom of wearing a veil in public settings has connections to Eastern civilizations.

The long-sleeved tunics worn by various Germanic peoples in the colder regions of Middle and Northern Europe date back to ancient times, as depicted in historical images. These tunics were often shown on Roman monuments celebrating victories over these groups, displaying a simple pull-over design that reached either the mid-thighs or the knees. The Romans later adopted similar tunics, which remained in use during the Byzantine period. Even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the long-sleeved Celto-Germanic tunic continued to be popular. It underwent further developments from the earlier Graeco-Roman garment, featuring a tighter neckline with a front split for easy wearing, and gussets under the arms and around the lower half to create a flaring skirt. Vikings and Normans also embraced this garment, and it persisted as a common male attire throughout the Middle Ages. Remarkably, it was still in use in Norway as late as the 17th century.



Here are some additional details about the German tunic:
▪️It was typically knee-length or longer.
▪️It could be either sleeveless or have short sleeves.
▪️It was often belted at the waist.
▪️It could be made of wool, linen, or other fabrics.
▪️It was often decorated with embroidery or other forms of ornamentation.

When unfolded and studied, it proved to be a very well-preserved tunic, its fabric partly bleached where exposed to the sun and wind . Radiocarbon dating shows thatthe tunic was made between AD 230 and 390 (Tamers & Hood 2011; Figure 4). Only a handful of well-preserved tunics from this period have been found in Europe, and thereforethe new find is of great significance for dress and textile production and how these reflectthe interplay between northern Europe and the Roman world.
Nootherartefactswerefoundintheimmediatesurroundings,andthetextileisconsideredan isolated find with no demonstrable relationship to other objects found on the site sofar. The area of the find has been used for hunting over a long period up to moderntimes. Weapons, hunting and camping equipment and horse dung, as well as a variety of personal gear including textile remains, are among the finds that now emerge from the ice. At Lendbreen, a large variety and number of artefacts from different periods have beenrecovered, most of them connected to ancient hunting strategies, such as so-called ‘scaring sticks’.
