

MAY – 2024 30 MINS READ
The shirt collar is the small protagonist in the world of fashion. At first glance, it might seem like a mere adornment around the neck. However, this little piece of fabric has cunningly fused functionality and aesthetic sense throughout its long history, playing a crucial role in determining the overall impression of a shirt. Since humans began wearing clothing, the collar has expressed the wearer’s status, profession, and even personality. Its shape and construction have evolved like a mirror reflecting the changing times and societies, from the majesty of royalty to the practicality of workers. Today, the fabric we casually wrap around our necks is a condensation of centuries of trial and error and humanity’s insatiable pursuit of comfort. The collar is a living history that narrates the evolution of fashion, a silent spokesperson conveying the wearer’s message. It is not just a part of the shirt, but a small yet significant entity that reflects our culture and individuality.
Beautiful collars 
The “collar” of a shirt refers to the fabric part that encircles the neck. Collars serve more than just a decorative purpose. Primarily, a collar adds a refined finish to the neckline, enhancing the overall style of the garment. It also plays a functional role by protecting the neckline from wear, tears, and stains that occur with regular use. Shirt collars are usually made by folding the fabric or attaching a separate piece, with designs ranging from simple to decorative. The shape and design of the collar are crucial elements in determining whether a shirt appears formal or casual.
c. 1300, coler, coller, “neck armor, gorget, something worn about the neck,” from Old French coler “neck, collar” (12c., Modern French collier), from Latin collare “necklace, band or chain for the neck,” from collum “the neck,” from PIE *kwol-o- “neck” (source also of Old Norse and Middle Dutch hals “neck”), literally “that on which the head turns,” from root *kwel- (1) “revolve, move round.”The spelling was re-Latinized in early modern English. From late 14c. as “border at the neck of a garment,” also “band put around the neck of a dog or other animal for purposes of restraint or identification.” From mid-15c. as “neck-band forming part of the harness of a horse or other draught-animal.learned lines. Cuff-links (also cufflinks) is from 1887. 
1300年頃、coler, collerとして「首の鎧、ゴルジェ(喉当て)、首に着けるもの」を意味し、12世紀の古フランス語coler「首、カラー」(現代フランス語collier)から派生しました。これはラテン語のcollare「ネックレス、首の帯や鎖」、collum「首」、およびPIE(原インド・ヨーロッパ語)kwol-o-「首」(頭が回転するもの)から派生したものです。これはkwel-(1)「回転する、動き回る」という語根からきています。このスペリングは初期近代英語で再びラテン語風にされました。14世紀後半からは「衣服の首回りの縁」や「犬や他の動物に制約や識別のために着ける首輪」を意味するようになりました。15世紀中頃からは「馬や他の家畜の引き具の一部としての首帯」を意味するようになりました。 
The shirt collar, despite its small size, embodies the fusion of fashion and functionality with two crucial parts hidden within: the “collar” and the “collar stand ” While seemingly simple in structure, these two parts play distinct roles.The collar is the part that folds out from the neck, determining the shirt’s style and atmosphere. Meanwhile, the collar stand, hidden beneath the collar, maintains its shape and ensures a proper fit around the neck.
The combination of these parts determines the shirt’s comfort and impression. If the collar creates the shirt’s expression, the collar stand is the skeleton that maintains it. Only when these two parts harmonize does the shirt truly express the wearer’s individuality and excel in functionality.Thus, the shirt collar, despite its small size, showcases an ingenious structure that perfectly balances fashion and functionality. Understanding its depth offers a new perspective on the value of a shirt.


Collar design
The shirt collar, despite its small size, embodies the fusion of fashion and functionality with two crucial parts hidden within: the “collar” and the “collar stand ” While seemingly simple in structure, these two parts play distinct roles.The collar is the part that folds out from the neck, determining the shirt’s style and atmosphere. Meanwhile, the collar stand, hidden beneath the collar, maintains its shape and ensures a proper fit around the neck.
The combination of these parts determines the shirt’s comfort and impression. If the collar creates the shirt’s expression, the collar stand is the skeleton that maintains it. Only when these two parts harmonize does the shirt truly express the wearer’s individuality and excel in functionality.Thus, the shirt collar, despite its small size, showcases an ingenious structure that perfectly balances fashion and functionality. Understanding its depth offers a new perspective on the value of a shirt.
Regular Collar
The Regular Collar is a standard option suitable for both business and casual wear. It features a moderate height and width, with the angle between the collar points typically around 75-90 degrees.
collar reguler3
Semi-Wide Collar
The Semi-Wide Collar strikes a balance between a regular collar and a wide spread collar, making it versatile for both business and semi-formal settings. The angle between the collar points is usually around 100-120 degrees
collar semi reguler
Wide Spread Collar
The Wide Spread Collar offers a modern and elegant look, ideal for formal occasions as it accommodates larger tie knots. The angle between the collar points is generally around 120-140 degrees.
collar standard
Horizontal / CUTAWAY Collar
The Horizontal Collar, also known as a horizontal spread or cutaway collar, features a very wide spread that is almost horizontal, providing a sharp and modern appearance. This collar is suitable for large tie knots or no tie at all, with the angle between the collar points being approximately 150-180 degrees.
collar 水平
Button-Down Collar
The Button Down Collar has its origins in late 19th-century England, where polo players sought a way to keep their collars from flapping in their faces during matches. They came up with the idea of fastening the collar points with buttons. This practical design was adopted by the American fashion brand Brooks Brothers, who introduced the button-down collar shirt to the broader public in 1896.
Hidden Button Down Collar
The Hidden Button Down Collar is a variation of the button-down collar where the buttons that secure the collar points are hidden underneath the collar fabric. This design maintains the neat, orderly appearance of a button-down collar but with a cleaner, more streamlined look, as the buttons are not visible. The hidden button-down collar is ideal for maintaining a crisp look without the casual connotation of visible buttons. It is suitable for both formal and business casual settings, providing the benefits of a traditional button-down collar (keeping the collar points in place) while offering a more polished aesthetic.
Hidden Button Down Collar
Club Collar / ROUND COLLAR
The Club Collar features rounded collar tips. This style gives a retro and classical impression. Originally popular in late 19th-century English clubs, it later gained popularity in the United States. Today, it is often used in both casual and semi-formal settings.
collar round reguler
SHORT  Collar
collar semi short
LONG  Collar
collar reguler2
Tab Collar
Tab Collar features a tab in the middle of the collar that can be fastened with a button. This tab lifts and secures the tie knot, maintaining a neat and elegant shape. This design is suitable for formal occasions and provides a classic, refined appearance.
Pinhole Collar
This collar features small holes near the points for a collar bar or pin, which lifts the tie knot and secures it. It’s ideal for a polished and classic look.
collar pinhole collar
Wing Collar
The tips of the collar stand up and fold over, often seen in tuxedo shirts. It’s typically worn with bow ties for formal events.
collar wing collar
Stand Collar / band collar / Mandarin Collar 
A stand collar is a simple and elegant design where the collar stands up without a fold, suitable for a range of styles from casual to semi-formal, providing a modern look without the need for a tie, making it an ideal choice for those seeking versatile fashion options.
collar stand collar
open collar
The open collar shirt is a casual shirt with a collar that lies flat and open, typically without buttons, giving a relaxed look. Made from lightweight materials like linen or cotton, it is ideal for summer and resort wear. It can be worn casually with jeans or shorts or layered over a T-shirt for a stylish look.
オープンカラーシャツ(Open Collar Shirt)は、襟が開いたデザインで、ボタンがなくリラックスした印象を与えるカジュアルなシャツです。主にリネンやコットンなどの軽量素材で作られ、夏場やリゾート地での着用に適しています。ジーンズやショートパンツと合わせてカジュアルに着こなしたり、Tシャツの上に羽織ってレイヤードスタイルを楽しむことができます。 
open collar
(White) Contrast Collar / Cleric Collar
The White Contrast Collar, a term of Japanese origin, refers to a style where the collar and cuffs are made from a different color or fabric than the rest of the shirt. Typically, the collar and cuffs are white, creating a sharp contrast with the body of the shirt, which is in a different color or pattern. This design originated from the shirts worn by clerics in 19th-century England, hence the name “cleric.” Today, it is widely used in business and semi-formal settings, providing a formal and sophisticated appearance.
クレリックカラーは和製英語で、英語では「White Contrast Collar」と呼ばれます。このスタイルは、襟とカフスがシャツの他の部分と異なる色や生地で作られているシャツを指します。一般的には白い襟とカフスが、異なる色や柄のシャツ本体と組み合わされ、鮮やかな対比を生み出します。 このデザインは、19世紀のイギリスの聖職者(クレリック)が着用したことからその名が付けられましたが、現在ではビジネスやセミフォーマルな場面でも広く使用され、フォーマルで洗練された印象を与えます。
shirt collar round c
Detachable Collar
The History of Detachable Collars
The detachable collar was invented in 1827 in Troy, New York, by Hannah Montague. She devised the idea to cut off her husband’s dirty collar, wash it separately, and then reattach it to the shirt, thereby saving time and effort in laundering. This innovation caught the attention of local businessman Ebenezer Brown, who commercialized the concept, leading to the establishment of a significant industry in Troy, known as “Collar City”​​. The detachable collar became popular because it allowed collars to be heavily starched and kept stiff, maintaining a clean and polished appearance. This was especially useful in the 19th and early 20th centuries when maintaining a neat appearance was highly valued in professional settings. The popularity of detachable collars extended to other parts of the shirt, like the front and cuffs, although these were less common and eventually fell out of use as clothing comfort became more prioritized​.
CLUETT PEABODY & COMPANY, founded in the late 19th century, was one of the most prominent manufacturers of detachable collars and shirts. The company is best known for its Arrow brand, which became synonymous with quality and style, particularly among businessmen and white-collar workers. Arrow collars and shirts were highly regarded for their craftsmanship and fashionable designs. The success of CLUETT PEABODY & COMPANY played a significant role in the economic development of Troy. By the early 20th century, Troy’s collar industry employed over 15,000 people, many of whom were local women. At its peak, the city produced the vast majority of detachable collars worn in America. The company’s products, especially the Arrow brand, became a staple in American fashion, representing the archetypal “white-collar” worker​ The detachable collar became popular because it allowed collars to be heavily starched and kept stiff, maintaining a clean and polished appearance. This was especially useful in the 19th and early 20th centuries when maintaining a neat appearance was highly valued in professional settings. The popularity of detachable collars extended to other parts of the shirt, like the front and cuffs, although these were less common and eventually fell out of use as clothing comfort became more prioritized​.
付け替え式の襟(デタッチャブルカラー)は、1827年にニューヨーク州トロイで発明されました。ハンナ・モンタギューという女性が、夫のシャツの襟だけが汚れるのを見て、襟を切り離して洗い、再び取り付ける方法を考案しました。この発明により、シャツ全体を頻繁に洗う手間を省くことができました。このアイデアは地元で注目され、ビジネスマンのエベネザー・ブラウンが商業化しました。彼の家族と従業員が初期の付け替え式襟を製造し、トロイは「カラーシティ(Collar City)」として知られるようになりました。19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけて、トロイの襟産業はピークを迎え、アメリカ全土の付け替え式襟の大部分を生産しました。20世紀初頭には、トロイの襟産業に15,000人以上が従事しており、その多くは地元出身の女性でした​。
CLUETT PEABODY & COMPANYは、トロイの襟産業の中で特に著名な企業の一つです。この会社は、主にArrowブランドのシャツと襟で知られていました。Arrowのブランドは、ファッションと品質の両面で高く評価され、特にビジネスマンやホワイトカラー労働者の間で人気がありました。クレット・ピーボディ社は、19世紀後半に設立され、付け替え式襟の製造においてリーダー的存在となりました。20世紀に入ると、同社はシャツ全体の製造にも進出し、Arrowシャツはアメリカ全土で人気を博しました。同社はまた、スターチ加工された襟やその他のファッションアクセサリーの提供でも知られていました​​。
The Clothier and furnisher v. 75 (Aug. 1909-Jan. 1910)

Troy : The Collar City

In the late 19th century, Troy, New York, became known as “Collar City,” a title earned from its status as a hub for the manufacturing of detachable collars. At that time, clean clothing symbolized social status, and detachable collars offered a practical, hygienic solution. Troy met this new demand, supplying products nationwide, significantly impacting its economy and employing thousands. This study explores how Troy achieved its fame through detachable collar manufacturing and its broader impact.
STEP 1 : Cutting the Parts
First, cut the parts for the collar and collar stand to the exact size. This is based on the pattern and includes the outer fabric, lining fabric, and interfacing.
STEP 2 : Attaching the Interfacing
Iron the interfacing onto the cut parts. The interfacing is crucial for maintaining the shape and giving a firm finish to the collar and collar stand
STEP 3 : Sewing the Parts
Sewing the Collar:
1. Align the outer fabric and lining fabric with the right sides together and sew along the edges, including the seam allowance. Trim any excess fabric at the corners to achieve a neat finish.

2.Turn the seam allowances and corners right side out. Use pins or a point turner to shape the corners neatly.

3. After turning it right side out, press with an iron to shape it and topstitch to secure.
Sewing the Collar Stand:

1. Similarly, align the outer fabric and lining fabric of the collar stand with the right sides together and sew. With interfacing inside, there is some thickness, so ensure the seam allowance is even.

2.Trim the seam allowances, turn the corners neatly, and turn it right side out. Press with an iron to shape and topstitch to secure.

STEP 4 : Assembling the Collar and Collar Stand

1. Align the completed collar with the collar stand and sew them together. Typically, the collar is placed at the upper edge of the collar stand, with the seam allowances folded inside and sewn.

2.The lower edge of the collar stand is attached to the main body of the shirt. Ensure a precise alignment and sew it in place, securing with a topstitch.

STEP 5 : Finishing
To finalize the shape, press the entire assembly with an iron. Ensure that the topstitching and seam allowances are neat and perform a final inspection.
1. パーツのカット
2. 芯地の接着
3. パーツの縫い合わせ

1, 表地と裏地を中表に合わせて縫い合わせます。縫い代を含めて縫い、角の部分をきれいに仕上げるために余分な布をカットします。

2. 縫い代を整え、角を表に返します。角がきれいに出るように、ピンや目打ちを使って形を整えます。

3. 表に返した後、アイロンで形を整え、ステッチを入れて固定します。


1. 台襟も同様に、表地と裏地を中表に合わせて縫い合わせます。芯地が入っているため、少し厚みがありますが、縫い代を均一に保つことが重要です。

2. 縫い代をカットし、角をきれいに整え、表に返します。アイロンで形を整え、ステッチを入れます。

4. 襟と台襟の組み立て

1. 完成した襟と台襟を合わせ、縫い合わせます。通常、襟を台襟の上部に配置し、縫い代を内側に折り込んで縫います。


5. 仕上げ


December – 2023 15 MINS READ
One of the things I find strange about old paintings, especially portraits, is the ‘ruffled collar.’ It is a symbol of wealth and aristocratic splendor, but like the corset, it is also a very peculiar design. Why did it become so popular? This section studies it.Do you find this peculiar, or do you consider it noble?

Who Invented The Button-Down ?

March – 2023 10 MINS READ
General history of the button-down shirt. “The button-down shirt was invented by Brooks Brothers.”  ”They were made after seeing the collars of polo players.” But the pictures I found show that before they discovered the button-down shirt (in the UK before 1896), it was already being worn by athletes in other sports. Now where is the truth?