

January – 2024 30 MINS READ

The island of Britain during the Roman Empire represents a significant part of the ancient world in terms of its extensive history and cultural complexity. From the Roman conquest in AD 43, through nearly four centuries of dominion, Britain underwent profound geopolitical and cultural transformations. This paper delves into the societal, economic, and cultural aspects of Britain under Roman rule, revealing how the influence of ancient Rome intricately wove the threads of Britain’s historical tapestry.


Gallic Wars : Julius Caesar
The territory known as Roman Britain was established as the province of Britannia following the Roman conquest of a significant portion of Great Britain, starting in AD 43 and lasting until AD 410. This period began with Julius Caesar’s invasions in 55 and 54 BC during his Gallic Wars. Caesar noted that the Britons were influenced or assimilated by the Belgae, a Celtic tribe, during the British Iron Age. Caesar’s campaign concluded with installing a friendly ruler, Mandubracius, and withdrawing to Gaul. Subsequent planned invasions by Augustus were abandoned.Caligula’s peculiar action in AD 40, where he had his troops collect seashells at the Channel, was possibly a symbolic victory declaration. In AD 43, Claudius initiated a more decisive invasion, successfully defeating the Catuvellauni and establishing Roman control, particularly in the southeast of Britain up to the Fosse Way. The expansion faced challenges like Boudica’s uprising but continued steadily northward.
The conquest advanced under Gnaeus Julius Agricola between 77 and 84 AD, extending Roman reach to Caledonia. The pivotal Battle of Mons Graupius in 84 AD, with significant casualties on both sides, marked the end of the conquest, which saw a high death toll among Britons in the context of the era’s population.Roman Britain’s defense was bolstered by the construction of Hadrian’s and Antoninus Pius’ walls against the Caledonians. Administrative reforms later divided Britain into separate provinces, with further divisions during the Diocletian Reforms.Despite repeated barbarian invasions and political turmoil, the Roman occupation significantly influenced the region, introducing advanced agriculture, urban planning, industrial production, and architecture. The Roman goddess Britannia symbolized this era. However, most historical knowledge about Roman Britain comes from archaeological findings and occasional inscriptions, as Roman historians seldom detailed the region’s events. Roman citizens from across the Empire settled in Britain, leading to a unique Romano-British culture. The final Roman withdrawal around 410 led to the formation of Sub-Roman Britain.
The Classical world was aware of Britain’s existence. Ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians traded for Cornish tin as early as the 4th century BC. The Greeks knew of the “Cassiterides” or “Tin Islands,” which they located near Europe’s west coast. The Carthaginian sailor Himilco is believed to have visited Britain in the 6th or 5th century BC, followed by the Greek explorer Pytheas in the 4th century. Britain was shrouded in mystery for many, with some even doubting its existence.
Julius Caesar’s expeditions in 55 and 54 BC marked Rome’s first direct contact with Britain. These were part of his Gallic conquests, prompted by the belief that the Britons were aiding the Gauls. The first expedition was mainly exploratory, achieving a foothold in Kent but limited by storm damage and lack of cavalry. Despite its military shortcomings, the campaign was politically triumphant, leading to a 20-day public celebration in Rome for acquiring hostages from Britain and defeating the Belgae.
The second invasion, larger in scale, led to Caesar demanding tribute and hostages from local Celtic tribes, establishing peace. He installed a friendly king, Mandubracius, and subdued his rival, Cassivellaunus. Although hostages were taken, it’s unclear if any tribute was actually paid upon Caesar’s return to Gaul.While Caesar didn’t conquer or leave troops in Britain, his actions brought the region within Rome’s influence.
Augustus planned invasions in 34, 27, and 25 BC, which never materialized, leading to a diplomatic and trade-focused relationship between Britain and Rome. Strabo, writing in Augustus’s time, noted that trade taxes were more lucrative than conquests. Archaeological evidence suggests increased import of luxury goods in southeastern Britain. Strabo also mentions British kings sending delegations to Augustus, who referenced receiving British kings as refugees.
In 16 AD, when some of Tiberius’s ships were blown off course to Britain, they returned with stories of monsters. Rome’s strategy in southern Britain seemed to support a power balance, favoring the Catuvellauni, led by Tasciovanus’s descendants, and the Atrebates, led by Commius’s descendants. This approach lasted until 39 or 40 AD, when Caligula planned a farcical invasion of Britain that never left Gaul. Claudius’s successful invasion in 43 AD supported another British ruler, Verica of the Atrebates.
In 43 AD, Aulus Plautius led the initial Roman invasion into Britain, though the exact number of legions involved remains uncertain. The Legio II Augusta, under the command of the future emperor Vespasian, is confirmed to have participated. Other legions likely present from the outset, including the Legio IX Hispana, XIV Gemina (later known as Martia Victrix), and the XX (later Valeria Victrix), were actively involved in the Boudican Revolt of 60/61. The Roman army’s flexibility meant units were frequently relocated as needed. Notably, the IX Hispana was stationed in Eboracum (York) by 71 and mentioned in an inscription dated 108, before its eventual demise in the eastern provinces, possibly during the Bar Kokhba revolt.
The invasion faced initial setbacks due to a mutiny among the troops, resolved only after an imperial freedman convinced them to brave the crossing of the Ocean and campaign in uncharted territories. The forces divided into three groups, likely making landfall at Richborough, Kent, and possibly near Fishbourne, West Sussex.
The Romans faced the Catuvellauni and their allies in two major battles. Assuming a Richborough landing, the first battle occurred near the river Medway, and the second by the river Thames. Togodumnus, one of the British leaders, was killed, but his brother Caratacus continued the resistance. Plautius waited at the Thames for Emperor Claudius, who brought reinforcements, including elephants and artillery, for the march to the Catuvellaunian capital, Camulodunum (Colchester). Vespasian pacified the southwest, Cogidubnus was installed as a client king, and Rome negotiated treaties with tribes outside their direct control.
Conquests under Aulus Plautius, focused on the commercially valuable southeast of Britain ©️️️wiki
After securing the southern part of the island, the Roman forces shifted their focus to present-day Wales. The Silures, Ordovices, and Deceangli tribes steadfastly resisted the Roman conquest. For several decades, these tribes were the primary concern of the Roman military, despite sporadic minor rebellions from Roman-aligned tribes such as the Brigantes and the Iceni. The Silures were under the leadership of Caratacus, who conducted a successful guerrilla warfare against the Roman Governor Publius Ostorius Scapula. In the year 51, Ostorius managed to draw Caratacus into a direct battle and emerged victorious. The British chieftain sought sanctuary with the Brigantes, but their queen, Cartimandua, demonstrated her allegiance to Rome by handing him over to the Roman forces. Caratacus was taken to Rome as a prisoner, and his eloquent speech during Emperor Claudius’s triumph convinced Claudius to spare his life. However, the Silures continued to resist Roman rule, and following Caratacus, Venutius, Cartimandua’s former husband, became the leading figure in the British resistance.
When Nero became emperor, Roman control in Britain extended up to Lindum. Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, who had previously conquered Mauretania (now Algeria and Morocco), was appointed the governor of Britain. In 60 and 61, he led a campaign against the island of Mona (Anglesey), targeting the Druids in an attempt to eradicate their influence. Paulinus crossed the Menai Strait, executing a brutal massacre of the Druids and destroying their sacred sites.

During Paulinus’s campaign in Mona, a major revolt erupted in southeastern Britain under the leadership of Boudica, the widow of the Iceni king Prasutagus. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, Prasutagus had attempted to appease the Romans by bequeathing half of his kingdom to Nero, hoping the rest would remain independent. However, Rome disregarded his wishes and fully annexed the Iceni territory. In protest, Boudica was brutally punished by the Romans, who flogged her and assaulted her daughters. Angered, the Iceni, along with the Trinovantes, launched an attack and destroyed the Roman settlement at Camulodunum (Colchester), as well as defeating a detachment of the Ninth Legion. Paulinus, upon learning of the uprising, moved towards Londinium (London), the next target of the rebels, but deemed it indefensible. Consequently, Londinium, and later Verulamium (St. Albans), were abandoned and destroyed, with casualties estimated between seventy and eighty thousand. Paulinus later regrouped with two remaining legions, faced the rebels despite being vastly outnumbered, and won a decisive victory in the Battle of Watling Street. Boudica’s death followed soon after, whether by suicide or illness. During this period, Emperor Nero even contemplated withdrawing from Britain completely.

Augustus planned invasions in 34, 27, and 25 BC, which never materialized, leading to a diplomatic and trade-focused relationship between Britain and Rome. Strabo, writing in Augustus’s time, noted that trade taxes were more lucrative than conquests. Archaeological evidence suggests increased import of luxury goods in southeastern Britain. Strabo also mentions British kings sending delegations to Augustus, who referenced receiving British kings as refugees.
In 16 AD, when some of Tiberius’s ships were blown off course to Britain, they returned with stories of monsters. Rome’s strategy in southern Britain seemed to support a power balance, favoring the Catuvellauni, led by Tasciovanus’s descendants, and the Atrebates, led by Commius’s descendants. This approach lasted until 39 or 40 AD, when Caligula planned a farcical invasion of Britain that never left Gaul. Claudius’s successful invasion in 43 AD supported another British ruler, Verica of the Atrebates.
In 43 AD, Aulus Plautius led the initial Roman invasion into Britain, though the exact number of legions involved remains uncertain. The Legio II Augusta, under the command of the future emperor Vespasian, is confirmed to have participated. Other legions likely present from the outset, including the Legio IX Hispana, XIV Gemina (later known as Martia Victrix), and the XX (later Valeria Victrix), were actively involved in the Boudican Revolt of 60/61. The Roman army’s flexibility meant units were frequently relocated as needed. Notably, the IX Hispana was stationed in Eboracum (York) by 71 and mentioned in an inscription dated 108, before its eventual demise in the eastern provinces, possibly during the Bar Kokhba revolt.
The invasion faced initial setbacks due to a mutiny among the troops, resolved only after an imperial freedman convinced them to brave the crossing of the Ocean and campaign in uncharted territories. The forces divided into three groups, likely making landfall at Richborough, Kent, and possibly near Fishbourne, West Sussex.
The Romans faced the Catuvellauni and their allies in two major battles. Assuming a Richborough landing, the first battle occurred near the river Medway, and the second by the river Thames. Togodumnus, one of the British leaders, was killed, but his brother Caratacus continued the resistance. Plautius waited at the Thames for Emperor Claudius, who brought reinforcements, including elephants and artillery, for the march to the Catuvellaunian capital, Camulodunum (Colchester). Vespasian pacified the southwest, Cogidubnus was installed as a client king, and Rome negotiated treaties with tribes outside their direct control.
Roman campaigns 43–60
In 69 AD, a period known as the “Year of the Four Emperors,” brought significant upheaval. Amidst the civil war in Rome, the governors in Britain, weakened by the chaos, struggled to maintain control over the legions. This situation provided an opportunity for Venutius of the Brigantes tribe. Previously, the Romans had defended Cartimandua against Venutius, but this time, they were unable to assist her. Cartimandua was safely evacuated, leaving Venutius in control of northern Britain. After Emperor Vespasian stabilized the Roman Empire, he appointed Quintus Petillius Cerialis and Sextus Julius Frontinus as governors, who were tasked with subjugating the Brigantes and Silures, respectively. Frontinus extended Roman dominance over all of South Wales and began exploiting its mineral wealth, including the gold mines at Dolaucothi.
In the subsequent years, Roman conquests in Britain continued, expanding the area under Roman control. In 78 AD, Governor Gnaeus Julius Agricola, who was the father-in-law of the historian Tacitus, subdued the Ordovices. With the XX Valeria Victrix legion, he defeated the Caledonians in 84 AD at the Battle of Mons Graupius in north-east Scotland. This battle marked the zenith of Roman territorial expansion in Britain. However, shortly after this victory, Agricola was recalled to Rome, and the Romans retreated to a more defensible position along the Forth-Clyde isthmus, thereby freeing up troops for other frontiers.
Throughout the Roman occupation of Britain, a substantial military presence was necessary. Consequently, the emperors often appointed trusted senior officials as governors of the province. This led to several future emperors, including Vespasian, Pertinax, and Gordian I, serving in governing or military capacities in Roman Britain. 
Roman campaigns 43–60
The Caledonians, known in Latin as Caledones or Caledonii and in Greek as Καληδῶνες (Kalēdōnes), were a confederacy of Celtic, Brittonic-speaking tribes located in present-day Scotland during the Iron Age and Roman periods. The Greek version of their tribal name led to their territory being called Caledonia. Initially considered part of the Britons, the Caledonians were later distinguished from the southern Britons as Picts, especially after the Roman conquest of southern Britain. These northern inhabitants, presumably related to the Britons and speaking a similar language, were recognized as distinct. Consequently, the Caledonian Britons were adversaries of the Roman Empire, which governed most of Great Britain as the Roman province of Britannia.
According to the analysis of German linguist Stefan Zimmer, the name ‘Caledonia’ originates from the tribal name ‘Caledones’ (which is a Latinized form of the Brittonic nominative plural n-stem ‘Calīdones’). Zimmer proposes that this name means “possessing hard feet,” a phrase that suggests steadfastness or endurance. This interpretation comes from the Proto-Celtic roots “*kal-” meaning “hard” and “*φēdo-” meaning “foot.” Furthermore, the singular form of this ethnic name appears as ‘Caledo’ (a Latinization of the Brittonic nominative singular n-stem ‘*Calidū’), as found on a Romano-British inscription in Colchester.
The Caledonians, like other Celtic tribes in Britain, were known for building hillforts and for their agricultural practices. They had both victories and defeats against the Romans and never came under full Roman occupation despite numerous attempts. The majority of information about the Caledonians comes from Roman sources, which might be biased.
Historian Peter Salway suggests that the Caledonians were likely Pictish tribes speaking a language akin to Common Brittonic, perhaps a variant of it, and possibly bolstered by Brythonic resistance fighters who fled from Roman-occupied Britannia. The Caledonian tribe, giving its name to the historical Caledonian Confederacy, might have been allied in their struggle against Rome with other tribes in north-central Scotland, such as the Vacomagi, Taexali, and Venicones as noted by Ptolemy. The Romans managed to establish agreements with certain Brythonic tribes like the Votadini, using them as effective buffer states.
In his work “Agricola,” written around 98 AD, Tacitus described the Caledonians as having red hair and large limbs, traits he attributed to Germanic origins, stating, “The reddish hair and large limbs of the Caledonians proclaim a German origin.” Similarly, Jordanes, in his “Getica,” observed that the inhabitants of Caledonia had reddish hair and large, loosely jointed bodies.
Eumenius, who praised Constantine Chlorus, also noted that both the Picts and Caledonians had red hair. This observation aligns with William Forbes Skene’s recognition of Tacitus’ portrayal of the Caledonians with red hair in “Agricola.” 
James E. Fraser proposed a different perspective, suggesting that Tacitus and other Romans might have been aware of the Caledonians dyeing their hair red, a practice potentially misinterpreted as a racial characteristic. Fraser also pointed out that the pressures faced by northern tribes, leading to their migration, could have resulted in the development of unique tribal identifiers, such as specific styles of clothing or jewelry. Early examples of such identifiers include armlets, earrings, button covers, and ornately decorated weapons.
カレドニア人(発音:/ˌkælɪˈdoʊniənz/;ラテン語:Caledones または Caledonii;ギリシャ語:Καληδῶνες, Kalēdōnes)またはカレドニア連合は、鉄器時代およびローマ時代の現在のスコットランドにあったブリトン諸語(ケルト語派)を話す部族連合でした。部族名のギリシャ語形が彼らの領土の名前であるカレドニアとなりました。カレドニア人は当初、ブリトン人の一派とみなされていましたが、南部ブリタニアのローマ征服後、北部の住民はピクト人として区別され、これらもブリトン語を話す関連する民族と考えられました。したがって、カレドニアのブリトン人は、大部分のブリタニアを支配していたローマ帝国の敵でした。
Occupation and retreat in southern Scotland
The historical record is silent on the years following Agricola’s recall from Scotland, with even the identity of his successor remaining unknown. Archaeological evidence, however, indicates some activity during this period. South of the Forth-Clyde isthmus, certain Roman forts were either reconstructed and expanded, or seemingly abandoned. By 87 AD, the Roman frontier had been established along the Stanegate.
In the Scottish Lowlands, prior to 100 AD, the circulation of Roman coins and pottery at native settlement sites suggests an increasing influence of Roman culture, indicating a growing Romanization of the area. A key source of information for this era is the collection of writing tablets from the Vindolanda fort in Northumberland, mostly dating from between 90 and 110 AD. These tablets shed light on the functioning of a Roman fort at the frontier of the Empire, highlighting the societal structure maintained by officers’ wives, and the roles of merchants, transporters, and military personnel in keeping the fort operational and supplied.
Around 105 AD, there seems to have been a significant setback attributed to the Pictish tribes. Evidence points to the destruction by fire of several Roman forts, with human remains and damaged armour found at Trimontium (modern Newstead, in Southeast Scotland), suggesting hostilities in that region. There is also indirect evidence suggesting auxiliary reinforcements were sent from Germany. Additionally, a gravestone of a tribune from Cyrene mentions an unnamed British war from this period. The troop reductions in the area, possibly due to Trajan’s Dacian Wars, may have led to either a total withdrawal or the Picts slighting the forts, rather than a direct military defeat. Romans often destroyed their own forts during a strategic withdrawal to prevent their use by enemies. Consequently, it’s likely that the frontier moved south to the Stanegate line at the Solway-Tyne isthmus around this time.
Roman military organisation in the north In 84 AD
At the start of Hadrian’s rule in 117 AD, a significant uprising occurred in the north, which was quelled by Quintus Pompeius Falco. When Hadrian visited Britannia around 120 AD during his extensive tour of the Roman provinces, he ordered the construction of a substantial defensive structure, later known as Hadrian’s Wall, near the Stanegate frontier. Aulus Platorius Nepos was appointed as the governor to oversee this project, and he arrived with the Legio VI Victrix from Germania Inferior, replacing the well-known Legio IX Hispana, whose fate remains a topic of debate. The first half of the 2nd century saw considerable political turbulence in Scotland, evident from archaeological findings, and this period of fluctuating frontiers must be understood within this unstable context.
Under Antoninus Pius (138–161 AD), the Roman boundary briefly moved north to the Forth-Clyde isthmus, leading to the construction of the Antonine Wall around 142 AD. This was following the military reoccupation of the Scottish lowlands by the new governor, Quintus Lollius Urbicus.
The initial Roman presence in Scotland during Antoninus Pius’ reign ended due to a crisis around 155–157 AD, marked by the Brigantes’ revolt. Faced with limited reinforcement options, the Romans retreated south, and Governor Gnaeus Julius Verus suppressed the uprising. The Antonine Wall was soon recaptured, but by 163 or 164 AD, it was abandoned. The second occupation might have been influenced by Antoninus’s desire to protect the Votadini or expand the empire. However, the retreat to the Hadrianic frontier occurred shortly after Antoninus’s death, allowing for a more strategic reassessment of the Antonine Wall’s benefits. Roman presence in Scotland didn’t completely cease; the large fort at Newstead and seven smaller outposts were maintained until at least 180 AD.
During the two decades following the return to Hadrian’s Wall in 163/4 AD, Rome’s focus shifted to continental issues, particularly in the Danubian provinces. The presence of buried coin hoards in Britain from this time suggests ongoing unrest. The amount of Roman silver found in Scotland indicates substantial trade, likely involving tribute payments to the Picts.
In 175 AD, a large contingent of 5,500 Sarmatian cavalry arrived in Britannia, probably to bolster forces against unrecorded rebellions. In 180 AD, the Picts breached Hadrian’s Wall, killing the commander or governor in an event Cassius Dio described as the most severe war under Commodus’s reign. Ulpius Marcellus was appointed as the new governor, achieving peace by 184 AD but soon faced a mutiny from his troops. Dissatisfied with Marcellus’s strictness, they nominated a legate named Priscus as a usurper governor, who declined the position. Marcellus narrowly escaped Britannia with his life. The Roman army in Britannia, emboldened by their defiance, demanded the execution of Tigidius Perennis, a Praetorian prefect, in Rome. Commodus agreed to their demands, further emboldening their mutinous stance.
Pertinax, who later became emperor (lived 126–193 AD), was sent to Britannia to suppress the mutiny. Initially successful, he faced a riot among the troops and was severely attacked. Pertinax requested a recall to Rome, where he briefly became emperor after Commodus in 192 AD.

Roman military organisation in the north In 155 AD

3rd century 
The death of Emperor Commodus triggered a chain of events that eventually spiraled into civil war. After the brief reign of Pertinax, several contenders for the emperorship emerged, including Septimius Severus and Clodius Albinus. Albinus, the new governor of Britannia, had garnered support from the natives following their earlier rebellions and commanded three legions, positioning him as a strong claimant. Severus, initially Albinus’s rival, offered him the title of Caesar in exchange for support against Pescennius Niger in the east. Once Niger was defeated, Severus turned against his ally in Britannia. It’s likely that Albinus anticipated becoming Severus’s next target and was preparing for war.
In 195, Albinus crossed to Gaul, where he also found support, and established his base in Lugdunum. Severus arrived in February 196, leading to a decisive battle. Albinus almost achieved victory, but Severus’s reinforcements prevailed, resulting in Albinus’s suicide. Severus then purged Albinus’s sympathizers and possibly confiscated large areas of land in Britain as punishment. Albinus’s actions highlighted a major issue in Roman Britain: while three legions were necessary for security, their commanders could leverage this power against Rome. Deploying these legions elsewhere would leave the island vulnerable to uprisings and invasions by Picts and Scots.
Traditionally, it’s believed that northern Britain descended into anarchy during Albinus’s absence. Cassius Dio recorded that the new Governor, Virius Lupus, had to buy peace from the hostile Maeatae tribe. The appointment of militarily distinguished governors thereafter suggests ongoing challenges from Rome’s enemies. Lucius Alfenus Senecio reported to Rome in 207 about barbarians causing rebellion and destruction. Senecio requested reinforcements or an imperial expedition, leading Severus, despite being 62 years old, to choose the latter. Archaeological evidence shows Senecio rebuilding Hadrian’s Wall defenses, and Severus’s arrival in Britain led the enemy tribes to sue for peace immediately. However, Severus was determined to achieve victory and likely wanted to provide his sons, Caracalla and Geta, experience in managing hostile territories.
Between 208 and 211, Severus led an invasion of Caledonia with about 20,000 troops, crossing Hadrian’s Wall and advancing through eastern Scotland. Despite guerrilla resistance and challenging terrain, Severus’s forces reached the River Tay. The invasion resulted in peace treaties with the Caledonians, but little else. By 210, Severus returned to York, and Hadrian’s Wall became the frontier again. Despite assuming the title “Britannicus,” the unconquered north remained outside Roman control. Soon after, the Maeatae tribe waged war, leading Caracalla to conduct a punitive expedition. However, after Severus’s death in 211, Caracalla and Geta left Britannia to stake their claims to the throne.
To counteract the threat of powerful governors in Britain, Severus divided the province into Britannia Superior and Britannia Inferior, a division that curbed rebellions for nearly a century. The period following this reorganization, known as the Long Peace, is poorly documented, but the rise in buried hoards suggests ongoing unrest. A series of forts along southern Britain’s coast, later known as the Saxon Shore Forts, were built to control piracy.
Around 280, a half-British officer named Bonosus, in command of the Roman Rhenish fleet, declared himself emperor after a Germanic attack, but was defeated by Marcus Aurelius Probus. Soon after, an unnamed British governor attempted a revolt, which Probus suppressed using Vandals and Burgundians.
The Carausian Revolt led to the short-lived Britannic Empire from 286 to 296. Carausius, commander of the Britannic fleet, revolted, claiming control over Britain and parts of northern Gaul. His reign ended when Constantius Chlorus launched a successful offensive in 293, leading to Carausius’s overthrow by his treasurer, Allectus, who was then defeated by Julius Asclepiodotus.
208年から211年の間の北部での遠征では、セウェルスが率いる約2万の兵力でカレドニアに侵攻しました。この遠征はハドリアヌスの壁を越え、アグリコラが使用したルートに似た東スコットランドを通過しました。北部部族による過酷なゲリラ襲撃と過酷な地形に悩まされながらも、セウェルスの軍はテイ川まで北上しましたが、侵攻によって大きな成果は上がりませんでした。210年にセウェルスはヨークに戻り、ハドリアヌスの壁が再び前線となりました。彼は「ブリタンニクス」の称号を得ましたが、未征服の北部は明らかに帝国の権威の外にありました。間もなく、もう一つの北部部族、マエアタエが戦争を始めました。カラカラは懲罰遠征を行いましたが、翌年に病気の父が亡くなり、彼と兄は王位を主張するために属州を離れました。 最後の行動として、セウェルスはブリタニアをブリタニア・スペリオルとブリタニア・インフェリオルに分割し、強力で反抗的な総督の問題に対処しました。この分割は約1世紀にわたって反乱を抑えることに成功しました。この再編成後の時期、いわゆる「長い平和」として知られる時期の歴史的情報は少ないものの、この期間から見つかった埋蔵品の数の増加は継続的な不安を示唆しています。南部ブリタニア沿岸には海賊対策のための一連の砦が建設され、その後100年間で数が増え、「サクソン海岸の砦」となりました。
3世紀半ば、ローマ帝国は侵略、反乱、新たな皇帝の僭称者に直面していましたが、ブリタニアは比較的安定していましたが、インフレの影響を受けていました。259年には、ポストゥムスの下でガリア帝国が出現し、ブリタニアを含むまでアウレリアヌスによる再統一が274年に行われました。 280年頃、半分ブリテン人の将校であるボノススがローマのライン川艦隊を指揮しており、ゲルマン族の攻撃後に自らを皇帝と宣言しましたが、マルクス・アウレリウス・プロブスによって敗北しました。その後すぐに、名前のないブリテンの総督が反乱を試みましたが、プロブスはヴァンダル族とブルグンディア人を使ってこれを鎮圧しました。カラウシウスの反乱は、286年から296年まで短命だったブリタニア帝国につながりました。ブリタニア艦隊の司令官であるカラウシウスは反乱を起こし、ブリテンと北ガリアの一部の支配を主張しました。彼の治世は293年にコンスタンティウス・クロルスが成功した攻勢を開始し、これによりカラウシウスは彼の財務官アレクトゥスによって廃位されました。その後、アレクトゥスはユリウス・アスクレピオドトゥスによって打ち破られました。最後の行動として、セウェルスはブリタニアをブリタニア・スペリオルとブリタニア・インフェリオルに分割し、強力で反抗的な総督の問題に対処しました。この分割は約1世紀にわたって反乱を抑えることに成功しました。この再編成後の時期、いわゆる「長い平和」として知られる時期の歴史的情報は少ないものの、この期間から見つかった埋蔵品の数の増加は継続的な不安を示唆しています。南部ブリタニア沿岸には海賊対策のための一連の砦が建設され、その後100年間で数が増え、「サクソン海岸の砦」となりました。
Occupation and retreat in southern Scotland
As part of the reforms introduced by Emperor Diocletian, the Roman provinces in Britain were reorganized into a diocese. This diocese was governed by a vicarius, who reported to a praetorian prefect. From 318 to 331, Junius Bassus, stationed in Augusta Treverorum (modern-day Trier), held the position of praetorian prefect.The vicarius, based in Londinium, which was the main city of the diocese, oversaw the governance of the region. Londinium and Eboracum remained as provincial capitals, and the territory was subdivided for better administrative efficiency.
By 314, the structure of authority in a province had changed: the governor was no longer in charge of both civilian and military matters. Military command was transferred to the Dux Britanniarum, leaving the governor with increased financial responsibilities. The Dux, stationed primarily along Hadrian’s Wall, was responsible for defending the frontier and enjoyed considerable autonomy due to his distance from higher authorities.
The vicarius’s duties involved overseeing the governors and ensuring coordination among them. He monitored the Treasury and Crown Estates without direct interference, as these departments had their own administrative structures. Additionally, he acted as a quartermaster-general for the armed forces, holding general oversight of the administration and some control over the governors, although not absolute.
Historical records like the early-4th-century Verona List, works of Sextus Rufus and Polemius Silvius, and the List of Offices, mention four provinces in Britain: Britannia I, Britannia II, Maxima Caesariensis, and Flavia Caesariensis, initially governed by praeses of equestrian rank. A fifth province, Valentia, is mentioned in 5th-century sources, with its governor holding consular rank. This province, created by Count Theodosius in 369, was considered a re-establishment of a previously lost province. Reconstructions of the provinces and their capitals rely partly on ecclesiastical records, including the list of bishops from the 314 Council of Arles. However, this list is not entirely reliable, leading to various interpretations and emendations regarding the provincial capitals.
In the 12th century, Gerald of Wales detailed the early British church’s metropolitan sees as established by legendary figures SS Fagan and “Duvian”. He placed Britannia Prima in Wales and western England with its capital at Caerleon, Britannia Secunda in Kent and southern England with its capital at Canterbury, Flavia in Mercia and central England with its capital at London, “Maximia” in northern England with its capital at York, and Valentia in what is now Scotland, with its capital at St Andrews.
Modern reconstructions typically place Maxima Caesariensis at Londinium, Prima in the west with its capital at Corinium (Cirencester), Flavia north of Maxima with its capital at Lindum Colonia (Lincoln), Secunda in the north with its capital at Eboracum (York), and Valentia variably in northern Wales, beside Hadrian’s Wall, or between the walls along Dere Street.
4世紀初頭のヴェローナ一覧、セクストゥス・ルフスとポレミウス・シルウィウスの後期4世紀の作品、5世紀の官職一覧は、ブリタニア I、ブリタニア II、マキシマ・カエサリエンシス、フラウィア・カエサリエンシスなどの変化する名前で4つの州を記載しています。これらは最初は騎士階級のプラエセスによって統治されていました。5世紀の情報源は5番目の州バレンティアをリストアップし、その州長官とマキシマの州長官に領事階級を与えています。この州は、369年に大陰謀の鎮圧後にテオドシウス伯によって作成されたものとされています。アンミアヌスはバレンティアを以前に失われた州の再創設と見なしています。これらの州とその州都の再構築は部分的には教会の記録に依存しています。初期司教区が帝国の階層を模倣しているという仮定の下で、学者たちはアルルの314年会議の司教リストを使用します。このリストは明らかに不正確であり、州都に関するさまざまな解釈と修正があります。
Roman Britain 410
Londinium, also known as Roman London, was the capital of Roman Britain for most of the Roman occupation period. Most historians of the 21st century believe that it was initially a settlement established shortly after the Claudian invasion of Britain, around 47–50 AD, on the site that is now the City of London. However, some support the older theory that the city originated from a defensive fort built during the Claudian invasion in 43 AD. The earliest definitively dated structure in Londinium is a timber drain from 47 AD. Strategically located at an important ford of the River Thames, the city became a central hub for roads and a major port, constructed between 49 and 52 AD, and served as a key commercial center in Roman Britain until it was abandoned in the 5th century.
Londinium, established in the mid-1st century, initially covered a small area of 1.4 km² (about 0.5 square miles), approximately half the size of the modern City of London or similar to the current size of Hyde Park. In 60 or 61 AD, the Iceni rebellion led by Boudica forced the Romans to evacuate the settlement, which was subsequently destroyed. The city was rebuilt following Boudica’s defeat by the Roman governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, and it likely recovered significantly within a decade. In the latter part of the 1st century, Londinium expanded rapidly, becoming the largest city in Britannia, and was endowed with significant public buildings like a forum and an amphitheater. By the 2nd century, its population had grown to between 30,000 and 60,000 people, likely surpassing Camulodunum (Colchester) as the provincial capital. At its peak in the mid-2nd century, Londinium boasted one of the largest forum basilicas north of the Alps, visited by Emperor Hadrian in 122. The city suffered a major fire shortly after, but was rebuilt again. By the latter half of the 2nd century, Londinium had seemingly reduced in both size and population.
Londinium remained significant throughout the rest of the Roman period, though it did not experience further expansion. Archaeological evidence suggests that much of the city after this time was covered in dark earth—a mixture of urban waste, manure, ceramic debris, and remains of settlement occupation, which accumulated undisturbed for centuries. Between 190 and 225, the Romans constructed a defensive wall around the city’s landward side. This London Wall lasted for another 1,600 years, broadly defining the perimeter of the old City of London.
4th century
In 306, Emperor Constantius returned to Britain despite his declining health, leading an army with the intent to invade northern Britain. This was following the reconstruction of the province’s defenses in the previous years. Details of his campaigns are sparse, both archaeologically and historically, but it is suggested that he reached the far north of Britain and secured a significant victory in early summer before heading south. His son, Constantine (who would later become Constantine the Great), spent a year in northern Britain, campaigning against the Picts beyond Hadrian’s Wall during the summer and autumn. Constantius passed away in York in July 306, with Constantine by his side. Constantine then leveraged Britain as a launching point for his successful campaign to the imperial throne, unlike the earlier usurper Albinus.
Mid-century, the province briefly aligned with the usurper Magnentius, who had succeeded Constans after the latter’s death. Following Magnentius’ defeat and death in the Battle of Mons Seleucus in 353, Emperor Constantius II sent his chief notary, Paulus Catena, to Britain to pursue Magnentius’s supporters. This investigation devolved into a witch-hunt, compelling the vicarius Flavius Martinus to intervene. After Paulus accused Martinus of treason, Martinus attempted to assassinate Paulus with a sword but ultimately committed suicide.
As the 4th century progressed, Britain faced increased attacks from Saxons in the east and Scoti (Irish) in the west. Despite coastal defenses initiated around 280, in 367, a coordinated assault by Saxons, Picts, Scoti, and Attacotti, coupled with internal strife within the Hadrian’s Wall garrison, left Roman Britain vulnerable. This crisis, known as the Barbarian Conspiracy or the Great Conspiracy, was resolved by Count Theodosius in 368 through a series of military and civil reforms. Theodosius, crossing from Bononia (Boulogne-sur-Mer), established his base in Londinium, where he addressed the invasions. He offered amnesty to deserters, enabling him to replenish the garrisons of abandoned forts. By year’s end, Hadrian’s Wall was reclaimed, and order was restored. Substantial reorganization in Britain followed, including the establishment of a new province, Valentia, likely to better manage the far north. A new Dux Britanniarum, Dulcitius, and a civilian head, Civilis, were appointed.
In 383, another imperial usurper, Magnus Maximus, initiated a revolt at Segontium (Caernarfon) in north Wales and crossed the English Channel. He controlled a significant portion of the western empire and led a successful campaign against the Picts and Scots around 384. His campaigns on the continent drew military resources from Britain, leading to the abandonment of forts like Chester and subsequent Irish raids and settlements in north Wales. Maximus’ rule ended in 388, and it’s unclear if all British troops returned, as the Empire’s military resources were heavily committed along the Rhine and Danube. By 396, Britain experienced more barbarian incursions. Stilicho led a retaliatory expedition, restoring peace by 399. It is likely that no further garrisoning was ordered; by 401, additional troops were withdrawn to aid in the war against Alaric I.
4th century Roman towns and villas
4th century: Degree of Romanisation
End of Roman era
Historical perspectives, influenced by Michael Rostovtzeff’s work, traditionally depicted a widespread economic decline at the onset of the 5th century. However, recent and consistent archaeological findings are challenging this view, suggesting a need for re-evaluation. Certain trends are recognized: there were fewer but more luxurious urban houses, a halt in new public construction, and some existing buildings were abandoned, except for defensive structures. Additionally, the extensive presence of “dark earth” deposits in urban areas points to increased horticultural activities. The conversion of the Silchester basilica for industrial purposes in the late 3rd century, likely with official approval, symbolizes an early phase in the de-urbanization of Roman Britain.
The abandonment of certain sites is now believed to have occurred later than previously thought. Many buildings were repurposed rather than destroyed. The period did see an increase in barbarian raids, but these primarily targeted vulnerable rural areas, not towns. Some villas, like Chedworth, Great Casterton in Rutland, and Hucclecote in Gloucestershire, received new mosaic floors around this time, suggesting economic difficulties were localized and uneven. Many structures experienced decay before being abandoned in the 5th century; Saint Patrick’s account indicates that villas were still in use at least until 430. Remarkably, new construction was still happening during this period in places like Verulamium and Cirencester. Urban centers such as Canterbury, Cirencester, Wroxeter, Winchester, and Gloucester remained active in the 5th and 6th centuries, supported by large surrounding agricultural estates.
By the last quarter of the 4th century, urban life had generally declined, with coins minted between 378 and 388 being very scarce. This scarcity points to a combination of economic downturn, reduced troop numbers, difficulties in paying soldiers and officials, and instability during Magnus Maximus’s usurpation from 383 to 387. Coin circulation increased in the 390s but never reached the levels of previous decades. Copper coins became very rare post-402, but the presence of hoarded silver and gold coins suggests they were still in the province, albeit not widely circulated. By 407, the introduction of new Roman coins into circulation had dwindled, and by 430, it’s likely that coinage was no longer used as a medium of exchange. The production of mass-produced wheel-thrown pottery ceased around this time, with the wealthy continuing to use metal and glass vessels and the less affluent relying on simple “grey ware” or turning to leather or wooden containers.
Roman Britain in 410
SUB Roman Britain
By the late 4th century, Roman rule in Britain was increasingly challenged by barbarian invasions. The Roman forces, seemingly insufficient in number, struggled to mount a robust defense. Following the disappointment with two previous usurpers, the Roman army in 407 proclaimed Constantine III, a soldier, as emperor. He ventured into Gaul, only to be defeated by Honorius. The fate of many troops, whether they remained, returned, or if a new commander-in-chief was appointed in Britain, remains uncertain. In 408, a Saxon invasion was reportedly repelled by the Britons. By 409, historian Zosimus recorded that the local population had ousted the Roman civil administration. This expulsion might correlate with the Bacaudic rebellion in Armorica (modern-day Brittany), as Zosimus notes that after this uprising, Armorica and other parts of Gaul emulated the Britons’ resistance. A letter from Emperor Honorius in 410, often interpreted as a denial of British requests for assistance, might actually have been addressed to Bruttium in Italy or Bologna.
Following the disintegration of the imperial military and administrative structure, governance and justice in Britain devolved to local municipalities and emergent warlords, who still adhered to Romano-British traditions and systems. Historian Stuart Laycock has explored this transition, highlighting the continuity from British tribal structures in pre- and Roman times to the native kingdoms that arose post-Rome.
In British lore, pagan Saxons were invited by Vortigern to help combat the Picts, Scoti, and Déisi. It’s possible that Germanic migration into Roman Britain commenced much earlier, as there are accounts of Germanic auxiliaries aiding Roman legions in Britain during the 1st and 2nd centuries. The Saxons eventually revolted, leading to a series of conflicts culminating in their dominion over Lowland Britain by 600 AD. Concurrently, many Britons sought refuge in Brittany (thus its name), Galicia, and possibly Ireland. A pivotal moment in this era was the “Groans of the Britons” in 446, a desperate but unanswered plea to the Western Roman Empire’s General Aetius for aid against the Saxons. Another key event was the Battle of Deorham in 577, after which Bath, Cirencester, and Gloucester fell, and the Saxons advanced to the western sea.The historicity of King Arthur, a legendary figure said to have resisted the Anglo-Saxon conquest, is generally dismissed by historians as part of later medieval mythology.
The decline of Roman rule in Britannia towards the end of the 4th century seems to have been precipitated by a power struggle involving aristocrats and the Roman general Stilicho. Stilicho, in his efforts to protect Italy from Visigoth invasions, had significantly reduced the Roman military presence along the Limes Germanicus. In the summer of 406, a mutiny among legionnaires in Britain led to the rapid succession of several usurpers as imperator, each challenging the reigning emperor. The last of these, Constantine III, crossed the English Channel from Bononia, taking with him all remaining mobile Roman forces in Britain, effectively leaving the province without any substantial military defense. His forces in Gaul and subsequently in Hispania declared their allegiance to him. On December 31, 406, various barbarian groups including the Vandals, Burgundians, Alans, and Sueves, crossed the Rhine, overwhelming the weakened Limes Germanicus.
In 408, Britain faced barbarian raids but these were reportedly repelled. After 410, there are claims that Emperor Honorius sent letters to British cities instructing them to defend themselves, though the authenticity of these letters is sometimes debated.
By the mid-5th century, Germanic raiders began settling in eastern Britain. Subsequent internal conflicts have been variously interpreted: as struggles between pro-Roman and independence factions, religious disputes between the Established Church and Pelagianism, class conflicts between peasants and landowners, or as power struggles within the urban elite. Stuart Laycock, in “Britannia the Failed State” (2008), suggests a violent fragmentation of Britain into tribal-based kingdoms, though the violence aspect is debatable. The Roman civitates gradually evolved into these kingdoms. Life in the countryside and to a lesser extent in towns seemed to continue with little change, as described in accounts of Germanus’ visits. Local feuding kingdoms replaced Roman centralized governance.
Gildas records a council convened by Vortigern to address the barbarian threat, which decided to employ Saxon mercenaries in the Roman tradition. Eventually, these mercenaries turned against the Britons, leading to widespread plundering. A British leader, Ambrosius Aurelianus, engaged them in several battles over an extended period. The Battle of Mons Badonicus around 490, later attributed to King Arthur by some sources, marked the end of this period, followed by a prolonged peace. The Britons retained control over lands roughly west of a line from York to Bournemouth, while the Saxons dominated eastern regions.
Gildas, writing around 540 in Latin, provides a confused historical account of Britain, especially for the earlier period. He criticizes five rulers in western Britain for their sins and also condemns the British clergy. His writings cover aspects of British life, including diet, dress, and entertainment, noting Britons who were killed, emigrated, or enslaved, but without specific numbers.
The late 6th century saw another wave of Saxon expansion, including the capture of Searoburh in 552 by the future rulers of Wessex and the entry into the Cotswolds after the Battle of Deorham in 577. The accuracy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’s entries for this period is debated. These conquests are often described as having isolated the Britons of South West England (later known as the West Welsh) from those in Wales, and following the Battle of Chester in 611, possibly those in northern England. Until the 570s, Britons still controlled about half of England and Wales.

During this period, various British kingdoms emerged, some altering their names or being assimilated into others. The precise names, especially in the southeast, and their political trajectories are not fully known, and remnants of Roman administrative structures may have lingered in some regions. At times, these kingdoms experienced unity under a single overlord, while at other times they engaged in conflicts. The boundaries of these kingdoms likely shifted over time. Key kingdoms included:

  • Bryneich in Northumberland, eventually conquered by the Angles of Bernicia.
  • Dumnonia covering south-west England, Cornwall, and much of Devon.
  • Dyfed in south-west Wales.
  • Ergyng in south-west Herefordshire, northern Monmouthshire, and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.
  • Gwent, Brycheiniog, and Glywysing in south Wales.
  • Powys in mid Wales.
  • Gwynedd in north Wales.
  • Elmet in south-west Yorkshire.
  • Rheged in Cumbria and Lancashire.
  • Ebrauc around York and northern Yorkshire.
  • Strathclyde in south-west Scotland, Cumberland, and Westmorland (around 900 – 1100).

Additionally, some areas came under the control of Anglian or Saxon chiefs, forming later kingdoms:

  • Bernicia, the Anglian kingdom before its union with Deira to form Northumbria.
  • Deira, the Anglian kingdom before merging with Bernicia (in East Yorkshire).
  • Lindsey, the Anglian kingdom later absorbed into Northumbria and Mercia.
  • East Anglia, encompassing Suffolk and Norfolk.
  • Kent.
  • Hwicce, covering most of Gloucestershire except the Forest of Dean and western Oxfordshire.
  • Sussex, including the settlement of Haestingas with possibly Jutish origins.
  • Essex, including Middlesex and Surrey.
  • Wessex, originating from the upper Thames valley and later expanding to include Jutish settlements in the Meon Valley and around Southampton (including the Isle of Wight).
  • Mercia, centered around Repton.
  • Middle Anglia in the east Midlands, later amalgamated into Mercia.
  • Northumbria, formed from the union of Bernicia and Deira.
  • Wihtwara.
ギルダスはラテン語で約540年にブリタニアの歴史について記述していますが、他の資料が利用可能な初期の部分は混乱しています。彼は西ブリタンの5人の支配者 – ダムノニアのコンスタンティヌス、アウレリウス・カニヌス、デメタエのヴォルティポール、クネグラス、マグロクヌス(メルグン・グウィネズとしても知られる) – を非難し、またブリテンの聖職者を攻撃しています。彼はブリトン人の食事、服装、娯楽についての情報を提供し、ブリトン人が殺されたり、移住したり、奴隷にされたりしたことについて記述していますが、具体的な数は示していません。


  • ブリネイク(ノーサンバーランド)、後にバーンシアのアングル人に征服された。
  • ダムノニア(南西イングランド、コーンウォール、デヴォンの大部分)。
  • ディフェド(南西ウェールズ)。
  • エルギング(ヘレフォードシャー南西部、モンマスシャー北部、グロスターシャーのフォレスト・オブ・ディーン)。
  • グウェント、ブリチェイニオグ、グリュイシング(南ウェールズ)。
  • ポウィス(中央ウェールズ)。
  • グウィネド(北ウェールズ)。
  • エルメット(ヨークシャー南西部)。
  • レゲド(カンブリアとランカシャー)。
  • エブラウク(ヨークとヨークシャー北部周辺)。
  • ストラスクライド(約900年から1100年にかけて、スコットランド南西部、カンバーランド、ウェストモーランド)。
  • ゴドドディン(ロージアンのトラプレイン・ローを中心とした)。


  • バーンシア(ノーサンバーランドを形成する前のアングル人のバーンシア王国)。
  • デイラ(バーンシアと合併してノーサンバーランドを形成する前のアングル人のデイラ王国、イースト・ヨークシャー)。
  • リンジー(ノーサンバーランドとマーシアに併合される前のアングル人のリンジー王国)。
  • イースト・アングリア(サフォークとノーフォークを含む)。
  • ケント。
  • ヒウィッチ(フォレスト・オブ・ディーンとグロスターシャー西部を除く大部分のグロスターシャーと西オックスフォードシャー)。
  • サセックス(ヘイスティングスを含む、ユート族起源と考えられる人々が住む地域)。
  • エセックス(ミドルセックスとサリーを含む)。
  • ウェセックス(テムズ上流域から始まり、後にメオンバレーとサウサンプトン周辺のユート族の定住地域を含む、アイル・オブ・ワイトを含む)。
  • マーシア(レプトンを中心とする)。
  • ミドル・アングリア(東ミッドランズ、後にマーシアに併合される)。
  • ノーサンバーランド(バーンシアとデイラの合併により形成される)。
  • ウィハトワラ。
Britain c. 540, in the time of Gildas
At the beginning of the 5th century, although the Roman Empire was officially Christian, there are indications that pagan worship persisted, particularly in rural areas of western England. This is evidenced by the refurbishment of pagan temples at the start of this period. Over time, however, most of these temples were replaced by Christian churches, often on the same sites or nearby. Celtic Christian churches and monasteries began to thrive in British regions, like Glastonbury, predominantly from the 6th century onwards. In contrast, the Saxons, who were settling in Britain, maintained their pagan beliefs, deepening the cultural and religious divide between the two peoples. Roman cemeteries, such as the one at Cannington in Somerset, continued to be used well into later periods. Among the pagan Saxons in the east, there was a gradual shift from cremation to burial practices.
Despite the traditional emphasis on Saint Augustine’s mission as a pivotal Christianizing event for the Saxons, Christianity had already made inroads among them earlier, notably with the arrival of a bishop alongside the Merovingian wife of the Kentish king. Nonetheless, many Saxons remained pagan even after this period.
In 429, the British Deacon Palladius sought assistance from the Pope in Rome to combat Pelagianism. Bishops Germanus of Auxerre and Lupus of Troyes were dispatched to Britain. Germanus, who had a military background, reportedly led the British to a significant victory, known as the “Hallelujah” victory, possibly in Wales or Herefordshire. Germanus is also believed to have made a second visit to England later on. The presence of a British bishop at a synod in Gaul around 455 suggests that at least some British churches remained closely connected to their counterparts in Gaul in terms of administration and doctrine.
In northern Britain, Whithorn in Scotland is reputed to be the earliest church, established in 397 by Saint Ninian. Coroticus (or Ceretic), a Pictish king and apostate, was the recipient of a letter from Saint Patrick. His stronghold was likely at Dumbarton Rock on the River Clyde. A descendant of Coroticus, Rhydderch Hael, is mentioned in the Life of Saint Columba. Rhydderch was a contemporary of Áedán mac Gabráin of Dal Riata and Urien of Rheged in the late 6th century, as well as of Æthelfrith of Bernicia. Unlike Columba, Kentigern, who is reputed to be the apostle to the Britons of the Clyde area and the alleged founder of Glasgow, remains a more obscure figure in this historical context.


Exploring the Hidden History and Culture of the Ancient Picts of Scotland: From the Meaning Behind Their Tattoos to Their Lost Language and Mysterious Stone Carvings – A Journey into the Lives, Beliefs, and Enigmatic Monuments and Art Left by the Picts. Unraveling Their Connections with the Celts and Their Conflicts with the Roman Empire, and Examining How the Legacy of the Picts Influences Modern Scotland. Understanding the entire formation of the Kingdom of Scotland is essential before discussing “tartan,” a symbol deeply intertwined with Scottish identity and heritage.


When I lived in Ireland, I often heard the words ‘Celtic’ and ‘Gaelic.’ At that time, I didn’t have much interest in ethnicity or culture, so I simply thought that they had beautiful patterns and a history. As I delved into the history of fabrics and patterns, I realized the significance of ethnic classification. This time, I conducted research on another ethnic group, the ‘Gaelic,’ which played a role in the origins of the Scottish people. Considering its connection to conflicts with the Picts and its contribution to the formation of the Kingdom of Alba, which ultimately leads to the clans of the Scottish people, this becomes a highly important field, differentiating the noble clans, in other words, the tartan patterns


I initially thought that Scotland, including its connections to Ireland, was a Gaelic nation. Of course, that’s not entirely wrong, but it’s not entirely correct either. This is because I thought that the Kingdom of Dál Riata eroded and integrated the Pictish Kingdom, but it seems it was the Picts who eroded Dál Riata. The Scottish king ‘Kenneth MacAlpin’ (in Gaelic, Coinneach mac Ailpein) is an important figure in this respect. And this unification leads to the formation of Scotland.